<p>[Marlboro</a> College](<a href=“http://www.ctcl.org/colleges/marlboro"]Marlboro”>Marlboro College – Colleges That Change Lives), a very small, quaint and very academically rigorous liberal arts college in southern Vermont, has an organic farm: [The Marlboro Farm](<a href="https://www.marlboro.edu/about/sustainability/farm/“”>https://www.marlboro.edu/about/sustainability/farm/"</a>). The peeps up there have also, recently, built a brand new greenhouse there, too.
[ul][<em>][Picture</a> of new Greenhouse](<a href=“http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Kr2O2StJADs/ULMddne8Z_I/AAAAAAAAAMo/_wsYIsalT48/s1600/L08A6388.jpg"]Picture”>http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Kr2O2StJADs/ULMddne8Z_I/AAAAAAAAAMo/_wsYIsalT48/s1600/L08A6388.jpg). It blends in very well with the rest of the buildings on campus, which I think is really cool!
<a href=“Video”>*</a> [Marlboro</a> College Farm](<a href=“Marlboro College Farm - YouTube”>Marlboro College Farm - YouTube)
[li]Someone [working on the farm](<a href="https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/268403_10150276254364897_6135172_n.jpg"“>https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/268403_10150276254364897_6135172_n.jpg”</a>).[/li][</em>] A [shack</a> on the farm](<a href=“https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/267489_10150276255129897_6840590_n.jpg"]shack”>https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/267489_10150276255129897_6840590_n.jpg).
[li][Marlboro</a> College Farm](<a href=“https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marlboro-College-Farm/181588994896"]Marlboro”>https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marlboro-College-Farm/181588994896) on Facebook
The Facebook page will take you to more images of the farm and other projects going on.[/li][/ul]</p>
<p>The very pretty [Bard</a> College](<a href=“http://bard.edu%22%5DBard”>http://bard.edu);well known for its strength in the arts and humanities, the awesome Levy Institute Economics Institute, and its convenient location; has one. [Bard</a> College Farm](<a href=“http://www.bardfarm.org/"]Bard”>http://www.bardfarm.org/). I guess it’s also worth mentioning that Bard’s farm seems to be the one with the most media about it out there…
<a href=“Video”></a> [Bard</a> Farm (Bard College)](<a href=“Bard Farm (Bard College) - YouTube”>Bard Farm (Bard College) - YouTube)
<a href=“Video”></a> [Bard</a> College Farm](<a href=“Bard College Farm - YouTube”>Bard College Farm - YouTube)
[li] [Picture</a> of the farm](<a href=“https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BULVhlYCEAAX-1u.jpg"]Picture”>https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BULVhlYCEAAX-1u.jpg) and what looks like a greenhouse in the distance.[/li][li][Bard</a> College Farm](<a href=“Facebook”>Bard College Farm) on Facebook! As said about the Marlboro College Farm on Facebook, the Facebook page will have loads of pictures of the farm on there.[/li][/ul]</p>
<p>[Berea</a> College](<a href=“http://www.berea.edu/"]Berea”>http://www.berea.edu/), “the Amherst for poor people,” is a private liberal arts college in Berea, Kentucky. It gives a full tuition scholarship to all of its students. So, it’s uberselective. It’s about as selective as an Ivy…People admitted into this school are, primarily, from the Appalachian regions and, just, generally teenagers ranging from dire poverty to one’s parents barely making enough to be a part of the middle-class. The admissions folks place a priority on the highly unprivileged in Appalachian regions and other poor students, who, of course, demonstrate a great aptitude for college, etc. And, the academics here are very respectable. Surely not as rigorous as Marlboro or Reed, but neither as easy as going to a tier 4 state college/uni. The campus is also very beautiful. I’d love to spend a day there during early to mid spring or mid autumn. All students are required to work in a labor position. They’re paid, but not too much, obviously. I think something very peculiar about this college is that it’s handing out money like mad, yet it has a healthy endowment near a billion. [College</a> Farm](<a href=“http://www.berea.edu/anr/farm-enterprises/"]College”>http://www.berea.edu/anr/farm-enterprises/). I might also mention that Berea’s farm is, by far, the most extensive.
[<em>]A [blurb[/url</a>] about the college’s Gardens and Greenhouse, apart from the farm.
[</em>]Yet again, another farm on Facebook: [url="<a href="https://www.facebook.com/bereacollegefarm"]Berea">https://www.facebook.com/bereacollegefarm"]Berea</a> College Farm](<a href=“http://www.berea.edu/gardens-and-greenhouse/"]blurb[/url”>http://www.berea.edu/gardens-and-greenhouse/). I’m going to be lazy this time and let you go to that page and look at images of the farm there! Sowie. 
<a href=“Video”></a> [Berea</a> College Farm](<a href=“Berea College Farm - YouTube”>Berea College Farm - YouTube).
<a href=“Video”></a> [Berea</a> College student farm tour](<a href=“Berea College student farm tour - YouTube”>Berea College student farm tour - YouTube)
<a href=“Video”></a> [The</a> Farm at Berea College](<a href=“The Farm at Berea College - YouTube”>The Farm at Berea College - YouTube)
<a href=“Video”></a> Okay, this is really cool…I hope the college/uni I go to not only has a farm, but has this too: [Berea</a> College Composting Program](<a href=“Berea College Composting Program - YouTube”>Berea College Composting Program - YouTube)
<p>Like, Berea, all students at [Deep</a> Springs College](<a href=“http://www.deepsprings.edu/home"]Deep”>http://www.deepsprings.edu/home) are awarded with a full tuition scholarship, but not just that, really; a complete full ride paying for everything…except the transportation to the college, and like things; LOL. This college, like Reed or Marlboro or St. John’s or Harvard, is a very unique school in its own right. There isn’t any other college out there like it, really. If Berea and Marlboro were to form some type of hybrid, then there could probably be a very close cousin to Deep Springs. The all around experience here is definitely life changing, there’s just no other school like it. Like Marlboro, it’s “in the middle of nowhere.” Like Berea, there is a required labor program for all students. </p>
<p>Unlike Marlboro, it’s not in on a hill in the middle of the Vermont woods near the Green Mountains; it’s in the dry, dry, desert valley between two mountain ranges, near the state border of Nevada and California. At Berea, a student could get a work position ranging from a janitor, a property maintenance technician, to a tractor driver on the college’s farm. At Deeps Springs, everyone has some sort of position relating back to the [Deep</a> Springs Ranch](<a href=“http://www.deepsprings.edu/labor/ranch"]Deep”>Ranch Manager Fogger Dunagan | Deep Springs College).
[<em>]A [satellite</a> image](<a href=“https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BULuVjWCYAIx8Bb.png"]satellite”>https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BULuVjWCYAIx8Bb.png) of Deep Springs.
<a href=“Video”></a>I couldn’t exactly find a video of the college’s ranch itself, but I managed to find this: a [short</a> documentary](<a href=“Deep Roots; An Ideal Preserved - YouTube”>Deep Roots; An Ideal Preserved - YouTube) about the college.
<a href=“Video”></a> An [url="<a href=“DeepSprings_TodayShow - YouTube]excerpt[/url</a>] from the Today Show covering the college.
[</em>]A very good [url=”<a href="yaleherald.com]article[/url</a>] from The Yale Herald about Deep Springs. I totally recommend reading it!