Schools with good music ed program but not too competitive to be accepted into?

I’m a high school senior looking for suggestions on schools with good music ed programs. I’m probably not going to be accepted into anything competitive such as Northwestern or Eastman so I’m looking for not as competitive schools that I’ll have a chance in, maybe schools that would be classified as tier two/three (seen these terms used when describing music schools but not exactly sure what schools fall into where except for tier one being some of the most competitive schools)? I’ve started building a list already but I would like some more recommendations just in case. I welcome any and all suggestions!

Start with the schools in the state where you plan to teach.
Ask school music teachers in your state where they went to college. There are many good schools for music Ed.
Northern Arizona University produces excellent music educators
Luther College in Iowa is another excellent school


What are your price constraints?

Agree with location, since you may be offered a job where you have interned.


As an example of the type of school that may meet your criteria, consider SUNY–Geneseo.

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Adding…if you attend a music education program in the state in which you hope to teach, you will likely fulfill all of the requirements for certification in that state as part of your schooling.


Thank you for the advice and suggestions! I’ll look into both of the colleges you mentioned

Thank you so much for this suggestion!

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If you need more specific suggestions, let us know which state(s) you would be interested in teaching in, what state you live in now, and what your budget is.