Schreyers, I suppose.

<p>So, I realize that I'll be applying late (although my app should be in within the week) but I'm still interesting in applying to Penn State. I'm aiming for main campus, obviously, but I'd love to be in Schreyers! So please chance, and try to tell me if my applying kind of late would hurt me very much.</p>

* SAT I (by section): Math 610 (yikes), CR 760, Writing 770 (so 1370/ 1600 or 2140/ 2400)
* SAT IIs: US History 770, Literature 760, Latin 740
* ACT: None
* APs: US History 4, Eng. Language 5; currently taking Latin (Vergil), US Gov., and Eng. Literature.
* IBs: none
* GPA: 4.0/ 4.3 (weighted, I think)
* Rank: around 15/ 100? Technically unranked.
* Other stats: National Merit Commended Student</p>

* ECs listed on app: Orchestra (1st-chair percussion), School Paper (editor-in-cheif), Service Team Co-Chair, NHS (treasurer), Independent French study.
* Job/Work Experience: volunteer for a cat shelter; campaigned for Obama
* Essays (subject and responses): Oh, a lot of crazy ****. I'm a pretty good writer, though, and I was proud of my essays.
* Teacher Recs: Should be solid, but I didn't read them.
* Counselor Rec: Most likely nice, but generic.</p>

* State or Country: Pennsylvania
* School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): Tiny, private, all-girl's Catholic school.
* Ethnicity: Caucasian</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Ok, looking at your stats I can tell you are really well-rounded student that excels in both your academics and EC’s, def. big plus for SHC. Your also in a wide variety of ECs and have leadership in some, also good things. </p>

<p>Make sure your essays are solid and answer the topics thoroughly, I am not sure what the exact topics are for this year but try to work in your goals and what motivates you academically into one of them if you can. </p>

<p>Regarding the letters of rec: I think it would help you if you submitted the max # of letters to the SHC rather than skimping on that part and going with the min #. Also try to get a variety of subjects represented in your letters (ie: a math teacher, a science teacher,…)</p>

<p>Also, SHC is blind to your SATs, ACTs, and probably your AP scores as well, so your high scores will not aid you in your applications. Also, a 610 is not a “bad” score in the math section, hey i woulda killed to have that kind of verbal score, haha. </p>

<p>Since you applied past the Nov 30th deadline, you will not be considered with the first batch of applicants; however after they review them they will look at yours. So you are at a disadvantage but I would still apply. With your stats you have a shot and if you don’t get in you can either a) petition it after a solid freshmen year or b) apply for junior gate admissions.</p>