Schupf Scholars

<p>Anyone else get this letter? To be honest, I don’t know much about Amherst, so I hadn’t heard of this program before. Is anyone more familiar with it, able to offer me more information, etc.? I’d appreciate it.</p>

<p>Amherst’s Schupf Scholars Program recognizes and encourages the highest level of academic excellence. Each year, the college nominates for this program the most stellar students from an exceptionally talented group of high school seniors who have been accepted to Amherst. This nomination is an honor that is based on a record of outstanding academic achievement and the potential to enrich our community of scholars. Students who attend Amherst as Schupf Scholars enjoy a variety of opportunities that encourage academic exploration and growth in exciting, individualized, and intensive ways and that form a unique part of the undergraduate experience. The program provides support for student research. Schupf Scholars work one-on-one with members of the Amherst faculty and participate in the faculty-led Schupf Seminar Series. In addition, a small number of students are invited to become Schupf Scholars at the end of their first year at Amherst, based upon an outstanding academic record and nomination by a faculty member at the college.</p>

<p>From the Amherst website</p>

<p>i also got this, but don’t know much about it. It sounds interesting, though.</p>

<p>I am too! Woo hoo. Sounds like they basically give you the “resources” (i.e. $$$) to do whatever intellectual/academic pursuit you want. There’s also seminars with other Schupf Scholars and professors and you have a faculty mentor that is in your field that you can do reserach with or colloborate or whatever. Wasn’t there a brochure that came with your letter that explained it more fully?</p>

<p>i thought the brochure wasn’t as detailed and concrete as i would have liked…although it was a nice brochure :)</p>

<p>Yeah, exactly. So how many of the 22 of us are on this website?</p>

<p>True. I’ve heard (and seen from the brochure) that the program, which is relatively new, is still quite nebulous - which probably works in our favor!</p>

<p>I’m another schupf scholar, and my intended major is physics. I’m still not sure what i want to do here but i do have a question. Is the Schupf Scholar really that prestigious? Like is it the only real scholars program at amherst?
I don’t expect this to be true, but it is possible that the Scholar’s program offers some sort of scholarship either in place of or in addition to the research money?</p>

<p>My mentor called today… I didn’t talk to him but my mom mentioned we’re worried about finances and he said something that implied that it would cover everything. Dunno, though.</p>

<p>hmm. cover everything as in tuition? that would be very nice.</p>

<p>I and guessing that you may get an attractive financial aid offer, but that would still only extend to demonstrated need. Unless I have read everything wrong about Amherst, it has no merit aid.</p>

<p>Have all scholars been notified by now? Does this mean that the letters that are still to come will not nominate anyone else? :(</p>

<p>Yeah, not a full ride, seems like. I’m pretty sure all the offers are out… don’t feel bad if you don’t get it; after all, it’s only a tiny fraction of the already tiny fraction of admitted students. I really like my mentor, he was really nice and wasn’t pressuring me toward going there at all, seemed to just want to make sure I ended up at the best place for me.</p>

<p>…i still think it’s weird that im one of these nominated people. little old me, part of a “tiny fraction?” well, congrats to everyone else!!! :)</p>

<p>Hmmm, I feel somewhat under-appreciated since I wasn’t named a Schupf Scholar. Maybe I should give Amherst an ultimatum: “Make me a Schupf Scholar or I’m off to Columbia!!” </p>

<p>Kidding, of course, but not really.</p>