Science GPA

Do sGPA include chemical engineering classes?

No. Engineering classes are not included in BCMP.

[AMCAS Course Classification Guide](

You classify courses based on content of the course, not necessarily the department which offered it. For example, you would classify a thermodynamics course as chemistry, not engineering.

But in general, most ChemE courses do not need to be classified as BCPM and are therefore not included in your science GPA. However, sometimes, you may be able to classify some of your ChemE courses as chemistry or physics depending on the title. I would say classify such courses as BCPM only if it will help your science GPA, otherwise don’t do it. Worst case, they will just ask for the syllabus so that you can justify your classification.

Actually AMCAS has automated the course classification process. (Recently, I believe within the last year or so.) AMCAS downloads course descriptions automatically from college when an application is submitted and uses a computer program which determines the classification of a particular class as BCMP/non-BCMP. (By parsing keywords in the course description.) If AMCAS reclassifies 10 or more of classes differently than how the applicant lists them on the application, it kicks the application out for manual verification and possible investigation for fraud–which can hold up the verification of an application for several days to several weeks.

An applicant can petition AMCAS to change the classification of a course, but the process takes times.