Science Major SAT II Subjects Test--should I take the math?

<p>I enjoy math but I have never been a math wiz. I am a senior and want to apply to Johns Hopkins and other schools with strong science departments. I have taken the SAT once and my math score was not high (500). I am working hard to pulling it up and I am taking College Algebra at a local College.</p>

<p>Question: Should I take SAT II in Chemistry and Biology and not in Math?
Or take the Math also/</p>

<p>Can I submit only the scores I want?
Also, what is a "good" score in these areas?</p>

<p>I am not sure about whether you could make a choice of sending which score. You could check the website of your target college.
As far as I know subject tests are only worth showing to colleges when they are above 750 or somewhere around it. Plus you are applying to top colleges which pushes the score bar higher.</p>

<p>Take the Math test (I assume you’re going into physical sciences, which use math)</p>