<p>Hi everyone! I'm junior and I'm planning on taking SAT II math 2 and bio in November. However, I'm not confident with math 2 test because even though I do good job on school math stuff (I got As on both alg. honors and cal. honors) it is always very painful for me to study for math:( yeah, I don't really like math..I decided to take math 2 because my friends told me that it will help increase my admittance rate since I'm Asian. and Asian supposed to do good on math I guess but I don't want to have more hard time with math!</p>
<p>Bio is fine, its's just memorizing and I like bio. In addition, I'm thinking abt taking U.S. his and chem in next summer. and I like both subjects!</p>
<p>considering that I want to be a psychiatrist in future and I want to major in psychology at Johns Hopkins University (I'm probably doing ED), is there any suggestions for SAT subjects test that I should take?? Also, does it really benefit taking math 2 test if I want to major in psychology at JHU?</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>