Science National Honor Society

I recently was accepted into the Science National Honor Society at my school. I’ve already sent out applications and obviously don’t have this listed since it literally just happened. Is it worth contacting admissions to have them add this into my application file? Basically in order to be a member one has to have taken a science based AP in junior and senior year, have over the required 3 science credits, have an overall unweighted average of a 90%, and an overall unweighted science average of an 85%.
I am already a member of National Honor Society so I am just unsure whether I contact the schools I’ve applied to in order to have it added.

Congratulations on the award. But no, it’s not worth reaching out to AOs in my opinion.

The award is based on your coursework and grades, which are already part of your application. This award doesn’t tell the admissions office anything new.


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