
<p>I'm having a hard time with science. And thus I have two questions:
1) The questions are weirdly worded. Proof: Red book
For example, in practice test 1, question 22 goes" Atmospheric boundaries are at a higher than usual altitude above areas that get more direct solar radiation. Based on this info and the data provided, which about atmospheric boundaries would likely be true if Earth received less solar radiation than it presently does?
A) The tropopause, stratopaause, mesopause will increase in altitude
B) The tropopause, stratopaause, mesopause will decrease in altitude</p>

<p>I couldn't figure this question out. There is no way to deduce from the test. Then I turned to the answer; it essentially added words to the question: If atm boundaries are at a higher than usual altitude above areas that get more direct solar radiation, then atm boundaries are at a lower than usual altitude above areas that get LESS DIRECT solar radiation. So the answer is B."</p>

<p>But where did the "less direct" even come from in the question? This is a very vague one</p>

<p>Number 40 practice test 1 is another nonplussing one. If anyone has the book, please flip over to that page (201). I don't understand this question and its explanation (286) at all.</p>

<p>Can you help me with those two questions?</p>

<p>2) How do you make a jump from a 30 to a 36 in science?</p>

<p>Thank you</p>