<p>Since I wasn't outright accepted to any schools, I am considering what high school classes I'm going to take next year. Science at my school is Physics I, Chemistry I, Biology I and II. I'm only allowed to take a maximum of three and I have to take Biology I before taking Biology II. Right now I'm thinking of taking Physics I and Biology I for 1st semester, then take Biology II for the second semester, or take all of them except Biology II. Does anyone know what would be better to take, keeping in mind that I am going to reapply again next year? (Exeter being my top choice, Andover 2nd) Do either schools have a particularly strong program in any of these courses? Or should I just pick what I like best?</p>
<p>Also, I don't know if I can cope with the workload for Biology II, since everyone tells me its mainly for 10th graders, but that isn't going to stop me from taking Biology II if its better for applying again next year.</p>
<p>You will be in 9th grade next year, correct?</p>
<p>Before you double up on any subjects, make sure you are covered with the standard college prep courses: 1 English, 1 Math, 1 History/Social Science, 1 Science and 1 Foreign Language (full years, not semesters -- however your schools figures that.</p>
<p>For most kids who take 7 classes a year at public schools, that leaves you with 2 electives to select -- unless you have a required class for 9th grade.</p>
<p>Taking a second science is not a bad idea -- but is that your interest/passion, or do you just want to impress the BS admissions people next year? If science is a passion/interest -- and you show it in other ways (science fair awards, summer programs, clubs, etc) then that would be a good choice.</p>
<p>If you are just thinking of doing it to look good, there might be some better choices. If 9th grade will be at a new school for you, as it is for most kids, the adjustment to high school level work/schedule and activities can be more difficult than you might think. A heavy class schedule with mediocre grades will sink your application much faster than a slightly lighter class schedule with excellent grades and time to become really involved in the school community.</p>
<p>Do you have an idea of where you application was weak this year?</p>
<p>Yes, I will be in 9th grade and I already covered all the standard courses, just choosing sciences and electives now. At my school, one either chooses to have 3 semester long electives or a year long elective + a semester long elective. An additional science class (other than the 2 mandatory ones) comes as a semester long elective. </p>
<p>I like science a lot, I usually read a lot about it on the internet or I just read encyclopedias to learn about the theories and stuff. </p>
<p>There wasn't any weak spot in my application, it was just weak overall.
Essays and short answers-I don't think I expressed myself well in my essays.
Interviews-Was rather nervous, came up with some stupid answers.
ECs-barely have any...
Teacher Reccomendation-I'm guessing its ok, but the flaws my teachers mentioned are probably really big ones.
Grades-I get 4-5 on a 1-5 grade scale.</p>
<p>I think being an introverted person didn't really help me either...</p>
<p>during the assembly the v.principal recommended that those who knew they were most likely going to america for tenth grade take bio I and bio II; as in america they do a science a year rather than different courses like in our school
third science is your choice; i'm doing both bio classes and physics</p>
<p>do you have a passion or a special interest? i'd try and go easy freshman year, it's not easy being a freshman u know! go with honors classes and some enjoyable electives to get yourself situated and do well in them! that's what i did and it's working out fine for me. soph year i plan to take some extra heat and for junior year i'm reapplying to andover and hotchkiss since i got on the waiting list</p>
<p>Hey, I went to your old school, and now I go to Choate.
You should take full year courses, because if you take a semester of something it won't count. So probably Bio 1 and 2 since that's the only full year course for freshman...
I don't think they have the IB program until later on in high school, am I correct?</p>
<p>Hey seikuu I'm a sophomore at your school and I also got into 0 schools (waitlisted at Andover). If you're planning on re-applying next year you should know that the chances are much slimmer since competition is so much fiercer with fewer spots available. A friend of mine last year is at Andover right now, and she had a 4.12 or 4.21 GPA at our school. Another girl was also outstanding (~4.00 GPA, took Bio II as a year of science will be required), but she got rejected by Exeter.</p>
<p>Yeah well the two schools I wanted to go to most (Andover and Exeter) have both waitlisted me, so I am obviously a stronger applicant than most but not as strong as the lucky people who were accepted. Therefore, I will use my junior year at ISB to make myself a stronger applicant and hope that I will be accepted when I reapply for 10th grade :]</p>
<p>Sounds like you really need at least one or two sincere ECs. If community, service, sports (even fencing) or a combination appeal to you, put that at the top of your list.</p>
<p>It's a bit late for me to start an amazing EC, so I guess I'll just stick with what I have now and try out a few things along the way. Saw this thing about a home for blind people on TV the other day. I called and they said they needed a Chinese-English translation of their website... I guess I could get involved there :X</p>