Score of 600 on SAT II

<p>How badly does a score of 600 on one SAT II hurt my chances of admission to Ivies and other top schools?</p>

<p>I've taken four SAT IIs</p>

<p>Scores: 600, 690, 750, 780</p>

<p>Well I did badly on 1 SATII and still did fine with college acceptances. My scores were: 560, 710, 800, 800. I got into Cornell, Duke, Penn, Williams, Pomona, WashU, and some others. I really do think they go by their word and only look at the top 2 scores (if they 'recommend' 2). Course, I also got rejected from YSM, but that was probably for other reasons than one satII.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>You'll be fine. I think they only look at the top two or three.</p>

<p>What if you do really bad on a subject (low 600s) and then take it again and score in the upper 700s. Do you think they will disregard the lower score?</p>