Will 1 (maybe 2) bad scores hurt me if I have 3 pretty good SAT IIs?

<p>Will 1 (maybe 2) bad scores hurt me if I have 3 pretty good SAT IIs?</p>

<p>For Ivies...</p>

<p>I have:
800 Math II
800 Bio M
760 USH</p>

650 Physics (I had a bad teacher...and no time to study x_x)
510 Japanese with Listening (I'm not native, nor are my parents. I self-studied the language for a bit less than a year. I feel like this might be an acceptable score in this case, but I'm not sure)</p>

<p>depends on the schools you are applying to</p>

<p>Hate to break it to ya but 510 is very bad in any situation.</p>

<p>650 in physics is very mediocre, but nothing HORRIBLE.</p>

<p>I doubt two bad tests will hurt three good ones, given taking these is all optional.</p>