<p>MATHII: 800
Physics: 790</p>
<p>So happy I got 790 on physics i was sure i would get around the 750s~ since i skimmed through so many questions on account of no time left, I guess the curve was generous! (seriously finished the test on the last second with a guess) </p>
<p>Post yours :D!</p>
<p>2380 on SAT
800 Math 800 Reading 780 Writing</p>
<p>My 1st time, so hoping for a perfect score next time !!!</p>
<p>(only got a 35 on my ACT from April, though :/)</p>
<p>where are you getting these from?? mine haven’t loaded yet</p>
<p>Mine came out just before 4 AM Central</p>
<p>lastspartan that is amazing, although I think you are trolling, why would you do that again?
the collegeboard main website has the scores!</p>
<p>Chem: 790.</p>
<p>Kind of disappointed.</p>
<p>Physics 740 definitely not the best… </p>
<p>How would this affect my college admission chances? So far I have 800 math 2 790 chem and 800 korean… Should I retake it or just leave it as is?</p>
<p>Are you people for real? You would have to be insane to retake a 2380, especially when you got it YOUR 1ST TIME. A 790 on Chemistry is ridiculously respectable. You should be overjoyed right now. If test scores ever consume my life so much to the point where a 790 isn’t good enough for me or these prestigious Ivy League universities, someone please slap me. There are poor, starving people all over the world but, you know, you got a 35 out of a 36 on your ACT… must suck to be you. Bye.</p>
<p>800 math2, 760 bio m. I’ll probably retake bio when I take us history in June. But whatever, I’m happy.</p>
<p>I got 800 physics, 680 US history(haha). I have an 800 math II as well, 710 bio, 750 chem. Should I only submit the two 800s?</p>
<p>@amgopwer63, Only retake a 740 physics if you are applying to a top school looking to major in something related, otherwise I think you’re fine</p>
<p>800 Bio M and 800 Chem
I did Math II back in June 2012 and got 800 on that one too. I felt iffy on my way out after Chem so I’m pleasantly surprised with the 800; I’ll take it though! SAT I is next week and I’m hoping for a nice score too. XD</p>
<p>770 Biology, 630 Lit, I’ll most likely retake that test, and I definitely have to retake my Math II’s to get in the 700s range. (Kind of wish I just got 800 on biology, I was so close to it… but whatever)</p>
<p>790 USH
740 M2</p>
<p>what the heck, I never thought I’d see the day when I would be better at humanities than at math.</p>
<p>720 lit. Should I retake that? I’ve already gotten great scores on both histories and I was thinking about taking bio and French next year. (I’m a junior by the way)</p>
<p>I wouldn’t bother retaking the lit. Just don’t send it in, especially since you’ve already got two great scores and the French exam is so easy it is stupid.</p>
<p>Thanks Harrovian I won’t send it if I do great on the bio and French!</p>
<p>That’s pretty subjective. Personally I would say that French is probably the hardest subject test.</p>
<p>My son just got 600 on the Biology E option exam. He wasn’t that prepared as he was prepping for the AP Biology exam (they only have one year of AP Biology in 10th grade, which is stupid in my opinion, as a college science professor). The subject test seemed a lot wider but not as deep, and the AP Biology course he is taking is very in-depth in very specific areas, especially now that they changed the format to a “concepts” approach.</p>
<p>He’ll be retaking the Biology subject test in the fall. There goes his summer!</p>
<p>As for all those complaining about getting anything in the 700s, please note that even perfect SAT scores don’t guarantee you entrance to the best schools. Your essay and extracurriculars matter a LOT. I interview applicants for Penn and we’ve rejected many students with perfect scores. And we’ve accepted many students with not one 800, and even not one score over 750.</p>
<p>If you get above a 750 and want to retake a test, you have to ask yourself if the extra time studying is worth it. And if you aren’t going to study more, if you think it was just a “bad break” to get a 750 not an 800, you don’t know how the system works.</p>
<p>I will be very interested to see what he gets on the AP exam compared to the SAT II Biology E exam. His studying was very much leaning towards the AP exam, including writing out open answer questions regularly.</p>
<p>(I never took the Bio subject test and did well on the AP bio test)</p>