Scripps College Regular Decision Class of 2025

same question – seeing mention of scholarships/merit aid…no financial aid or EFC info offered as of yet…hoping i’m missing something because scripps looks like a fantastic school and an equally fantastic fit for my d, who got into 5c media studies. but with a few UC offers in hand, it would only make sense for us with some cost defrayment. hoping…

Have an email into admissions just to ask. Similar boat - appears no scholarship to Scripps but huge scholarship to Bryn Mawr and other solid merit aid to a few other coed liberal arts colleges. Hard to justify at 80k estimated next year if no aid at all. But congrats to all who got in and good luck to all those who didn’t - so many great schools out there

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I think Scripps is being stingy or judicious or both about how they award merit this year. Same thing happened with our D. Only 15k from Scripps, but twice that from Bryn Mawr, Oberlin, and early write from Smith so we’re assuming merit but her portal’s not working. BUT, her school sends kids every year to Scripps and it’s not that far away (not geographically diverse), and I wonder if they took that into account. Like, we don’t have to give her much $ and she’ll still attend. Who knows.

hmm…in the interest of info-sharing: my D in a diverse but (for SF) moderate SES san francisco public arts magnet (most of SFUSD public schools, including most of ours, are very low SES). nonetheless, i doubt her school sends many to the claremonts. my D was admitted early action to a less selective (than scripps) but lovely LAC in the PNW with 31/year merit. then a handful of UCs that (shockingly) most of her very high-stats friends were denied. still awaiting a few more privates. we chose to apply to scripps in part because they seemed to be on the generous side with merit in years past. either this year is different or i got it wrong : ) .

For those asking- my merit scholarship was included in my letter of admission. I looked online yesterday and I think it said only about 23% of the admitted class are offered merit scholarships.

Would you mind posting your stats?

Hi, I got in with a $28,000 merit scholarship and it was included in my letter of admission. For those asking for stats - I had a 4.56 weighted GPA, 3.96 unweighted, didn’t submit SAT or ACT but included my AP scores and got 5s on the 4 I have taken so for - AP world, AP us history, AP environmental science, and AP language. Taking 5 APs and 2 honors courses this year. Had a few awards for debate and very involved in political activism.


damn I can see why you got a scholarship. That sounds intense I’m proud of u for taking so many hard classes and having great ECs.

Thanks! 4.57 GPA, IB diploma candidate, strong LOR, strong extracurriculars, and a 1430 SAT from my junior year before COVID.

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i had quite the busy day yesterday so i’m late to the party lol but i got waitlisted!! congrats to everyone who got in!!


Appreciate the info that merit scholarship into was in the initial email. That is helpful as we help our daughter decide where to go without being able to visit anywhere!!


ok, so in late-breaking news she got a 20K/year scripps college grant included in the financial aid package. is that need-based or merit? can’t tell. so that’s good. ah, wish it were a wee bit closer to the cost of a UC education, but looking forward to learning more…

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I got that too and idk

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From my experience, grants are need-based. They are not the same every year, but are determined by your family’s ability to pay as recalculated with yearly FAFSA. Please check with FA to make sure.


Fantastic Stats. Thanks for sharing. Makes it easier to give D2 a great model to strive for.

Anyone have a guess how many come off the waitlist this year? Wondering about my niece who was waitlisted at all her high caliber target/reach schools from U Chicago to Pitzer to Scripps and more. No rejections but that’s not great comfort. Now she feels like Scripps would be her first choice. She would happily accept in a heartbeat.

I got in with no merit scholarship but $20,000 financial aid. Still it’s too expensive for me to go there although I absolutely love the school

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same, littlechu. I’m trying to apply to outside scholarships and work more jobs. Good luck to you, I hope it works out!

My DD get in, 3.98 UW, >4.6W, 36 ACT, AP MATH AB/BC 5, AP PHY 1/2/C 5, AP CHM 5, AP BIO 4, AP AMH 5, AP LAN 5. BUT no merit based scholarship.

any interest in starting a Scripps Class of 2025 Waitlist thread? D has other good options, but scripps is still her #1. I’m not looking forward to the wait.