SDSU vs PSU vs UW-Seattle(but not in CS) vs Oregon for CS

@CMA22 , @ucbalumnus , I stand corrected. Informatics used to be a less complicated admit yet still capacity-constrained major.

Why not a consideration then ? From a monetary POV. It’s a fine school.

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So it seems that the choices are:

  • Less expensive, presumably in CS or not difficult to get into CS: Washington State University
  • Less expensive, unlikely to get into CS: University of Washington
  • More expensive, but in CS or not difficult (2.0 GPA) to get into CS: San Diego State University, University of Oregon
  • More expensive, but need 3.10 GPA to get into CS: Penn State (this is University Park?)

Seems like the main choices would be WSU (if price is a big deal), SDSU, and Oregon. Maybe Penn State if comfortable with the 3.10 GPA to get into CS.

this is great to hear all the lines of thought.
I am thinking (and of course it is her decision ultimately) SDSU or Penn State (University Park - i guess the accurate term is direct admit to college of engineering pre-CS major) - assuming she is set on CS (not worried about 3.1 - I just looked at the course list - she has already had 2 years of Calc, a UW-Seattle CS course, and AP physics - so some of those are might already be satisfied).
Never gave WSU much thought, I think the area/campus is great, but it probably is last choice college in her analysis.
UW-Seattle is wild-card, if she had other majors that she has considered and mentioned, then maybe. Not sure how she feels about Oregon.
Also in the mix is Cal Poly SOL, but I expected she probably has a decline from them as all notices should have gone out by April 1.
To be honest I am trying not to have cost influence her decision input - we have been saving in WA state GET/529 since she was 1yo - sure in-state cost would be better for us, but OOS is doable.
She has a close friend going to SDSU, but I think she puts academics/fit ahead of everything and that would just be a bonus.

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I would be a bit concerned about environment. Just going to the highest ranked school is a mistake. SDSU and Penn State are vastly different. Hope she chooses the right one for her, without using a ranking.

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Are PSu and SDSU both affordable without parental loans?

Did she get into Schreyer at PSU?
(Honors at SDSU is a nice add-on but nothing like what Schreyer brings to PSU students)

Is she interested in year-round nice weather (with a risk of fires) or in 4 seasons with half the school year with snow/relatively cold weather?

I am not familiar with Schreyer?
OOS should be doable without loans for us.

She is direct admit ( or pre major might be the term ) to CS at both SDSU and PSU.
I believe she can be successful at a big school or smaller one. We are in Seattle so SDSU is more appealing as parents than PSU. I grew up in Madison and attended UW (bs in CS) there so I am aware of large school environment and the climate of the Midwest vs west coast.

I was a little surprised in her CS interest, but she has shown a very good math aptitude and has taken one UW-Seattle college CS programming course during high school and is in 2nd year calc.

I’m disappointed she didn’t get into UW-Seattle CS, but seems like it is highly competitive and enrollment constrained.

  • Myles

An update. No Cal-Poly SOL, so daughter is working to deciding between Penn State CS and San Diego State CS. For both schools she is admitted into the department (we aware of the requirements for for acceptance into the major per first year+ course/gpa requirements),

We are looking at the respective degree curriculum of each school as we discuss.

Cost will be a tie breaker (if there is a tie). We are in Seattle so she will be OOS.

I graduated from UW-Madison in 1990 in CS so I have some experience in the field and attending a big university 45,000+. I know she will be successful at either school.

Any further thoughts or recommendations of things to consider is appreciated.

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She is going to love SDSU! It is a big university, but the academic departments get the students together in projects which will make her department seem smaller. The school has a lot of school spirit and unity. Students love being there and the variety of foods, activities, and balance will be great for her. Aztec for Life!

Well, PSU it is. Despite its distance from us and higher cost I am very pleased. The three of us think it will be a great fit.

Thanks for all the opinions and information you all shared with me.

  • Myles

Congrats and good luck!

Wondering how that 1st year turned out, considering the distance, the large campus, perhaps regret about the UC’s…?

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