<p>I have spent much time lurking around the music area boards and am so impressed with the wealth of knowledge so many of you readily share. So I'm hoping you will be able to help us with a direction for my son who is a HS junior. I apologize in advance because this is going to be a long post. I'd like to give you some detail about S so you can possibly narrow down your answers...</p>
<p>S has music in every bone of his body. Studies classical piano and has been working on an audition caliber repertoire for the past three years. He does very well but because he is so very busy with his other activities (see below) the pieces aren't quite as polished as I guessing they may need to be. (He plays most of them, by memory, quite beautifully but definitely has bobbles.) He as never done any competitions other than State Solo/Ensemble. One thing that I infer from this is that a performance major is not the right fit for him. Although I think he could polish his pieces to perfection, that has not proven to be a priority for him. (He practices about an hour a day.) He in addition to his classical lesson he also takes a jazz lesson for an hour a week. Again...he improvises quite well...but I don't think jazz is his thing either. </p>
<p>He plays incredibly well by ear. He just "gets" music. We have a very good praise team at our church. He plays the base guitar or piano regularly. All of the music is charts only. Key changes...no problem. The guitars throw on their capos but S just kind of figures it out in his head and keeps going. Played piano for a funeral this past weekend. It was Contemporary Christian. I guess he improvised for a couple of hours at the beginning as he didn't know he was going to have to play for so long until he got there. He has a part in the school musical (vocal) and is currently practicing every day after school. Has a garage band (pop/rock) that jams/rehearses every weekend for several hours and plays gigs around town. For that he plays keyboards. He is going to write a score for the Spring Play at his school...which is a drama. He did the same for the two fall plays. The fall plays he did on his keyboard so he didn't actually write anything down. I think he plans to write things down for the Spring play so he will have it for a composition portfolio if he decides to go that way. He was approached this morning at church by a woman that owns a dinner theater in town. She needs musicians for an upcoming Country Western show and wondered if he was interested. That would be bass guitar. The list goes on.</p>
<p>I go into this detail so you can try and get a picture of him... Kind of a "jack of all trades" musician. So what do we do with him??? At this point composition is starting to emerge as a possible track. But then I look at the applications and they talk about awards (none) and submission of scores. Are these primarily classical scores they are looking for? We've thought about Berklee but that is such an "all in" conservatory and we think we would like to get a more well rounded college education. He's thought about a double degree in Computer Science as well. Although I think he is right up there with his musical talent, I'm not sure how he would get that across in the structure of the auditions for most of the classical conservatories. And the reality is that he is living a very well rounded high school experience so he doesn't have the portfolio that I'm sure many have. (But he probably does have the experience - its just not all classical.) </p>
<p>Now I ramble with so many thoughts going through my fingers. Any insight or help any of you can offer would be appreciated. We struggle not only with possible schools (most seem totally classical or jazz...but he isn't really either one...He's just...music.) The schools that really focus on performance probably aren't the right fit, either. We're also stuck on the course of study. </p>
<p>I think I'll stop here...Thank you in advance for bearing with me through this post and any insight you might have.</p>