SEAS ED Hopefuls...

<p>Out of all the engineering schools out there, we chose Columbia SEAS, with it's unique and non conventional engineering program. I'm going insane, waiting for the decision. This is going to be the slowest two weeks of my life. So I figured, in these weeks why not get to know other SEAS hopefuls and find out why you guys chose SEAS and columbia? How competitive is ED at SEAS as compared to at CC?</p>

<p>I’m EDing at CC, not SEAS, but the acceptance rate for SEAS is higher than for CC…though it could just be the whole “self-selecting pool” thing at work.</p>

<p>i applied to SEAS ed too.</p>

<p>it had a higher acceptance rate than CC… but i dont know if that is in my favor or not. :frowning:
its going to be a long wait just for the decision from columbia.</p>

<p>SEAS rocks. CC applicants just can’t take engineering. I’m sorry but we’re a special breed :D</p>

<p>On a more serious note I bet it mostly is due to self-selection, although the higher acceptance rate does look tempting. If you look at official decision threads there are very few differences between CC and SEAS admits quality wise. Also, SEAS is unique in that it has an extensively liberal arts curriculum due to the Core, so I think that would definitely turn off hardcore engineering nerdies that want to go to more focused programs at a big state school or schools like MIT/Stanford.</p>

they need to hurry up and tell us the date that the letters are coming
the students at SEAS not only get a good engineering education, they also get a good humanities education making them well rounded and ready for the real world immediately after college

<p>^^haha i bet that’s the answer to half of the applicants to the question “why engineering”</p>

<p>i really hope we’re learning on the 12th</p>

<p>another SEAS hopeful here too. all i can do is wait at this point and hope for the best!</p>

<p>What major did you guys choose?</p>

<p>earth and environmental engineering & computer scirnce</p>

<p>chemical engineering</p>

<p>biomedical engineering =D
i thought they were going to tell us when the decision letters come today =(
i can’t take the wait anymore</p>