Seattle University EA 2019-2020

Applied early action to SU this year and I’m still waiting to hear back from them! I’d love to hear if anyone has been accepted so far.

Is there an online portal for SU? We have not heard anything yet either.

Yes, There is a portal.

I read that EA decisions will be MAILED by Dec 21…

The portal for Seattle U was updated today!

Son got an acceptance at Seattle U for Communications and Media with a specialization in Journalism.

Was your acceptance by mail or portal update?

Deferred :(. Pretty bummed since I thought SU was a safety for me, but I’m not gonna let it get me down since I got into a massive reach school.

Got an email showing a status update.

Son got rejected from University of San Francisco which was his safety school too. You can never tell with this process.

My daughter just checked portal. She is Accepted at Seattle U!

Daughter got accepted; she is thrilled :slight_smile:
We now play the waiting game, as her first choice will mail out in March, but something tells me this is the one for her.

accepted :slight_smile: yay

Daughter was accepted for international studies with a Trustee scholarship and an invitation to Sullivan Leaders Day! Sooooo excited! :slight_smile:

@303mom what kind of stats did she have? More focused on ECs or academics?

3.87 u/w 4.3ish w
will graduate with 8 AP (has 5’s on her first 5 tests)
varsity volleyball, youth commission for local parks and rec, youth advisory board for County, executive internship with US Congressman. NHS, Spanish NHS, Freshman Mentor program, various other volunteer projects.
I feel like there’s a few others, but that’s a good chunk. She interviewed with her admissions counselor a month or so ago and he told her she would have a good shot at getting far in the Sullivan comp, but we were still nervous to get that first invite.

Oh sorry- Test scores- 1440 SAT 34 ACT

Congrats All! My daughter was accepted and is excited! 32 ACT. 4.0 GPA.

What major are your kids/you accepted for? Just curious. :slight_smile:

Seattle University is competitive. Great location in an outstanding city. Congratulations to all !