Second thoughts about majors....PLEASE HELP!

Hey so I’m a junior in HS, and I really want to study Industrial Design, but I’m also really interested in Spanish and sometimes I feel like I really want to be a teacher. One of the problems is, there are so few ID schools that I’m interested in, and I’m worried that if I go to one of them I won’t be able to change my major in a good program. So I feel like I should look into schools that offer other things. Anyways, would it be weird to major in ID and minor in Spanish? Could I ever teach with that? Any advice would be very much appreciated! Thanks!

No, it wouldn’t be weird!

You’d have to look up the certification requirements for your state, but I think most of the time you need the equivalent of a major to teach something.

Do you think there would be jobs for ID majors/ spanish minors? I’m thinking about teaching high school by the way