Seeking Insights on Milton Academy Grade 3 Parent Interview & school tour

I hope this message finds you well. I recently came across a thread on College Confidential where you mentioned that your daughter attends Milton Academy, hence, I am reaching out. As my family and I are considering Milton Academy for our son’s education, I would greatly appreciate your insights and advice on the Parent interview process, particularly for grade 3 admission.

To provide a bit of background, we relocated to the US three years ago, and our son has been attending one of the top private schools in India. We were in Lexington for 3 years and we liked the school system in Lexington. We just bought a house in a different town that doesn’t have a very strong school system and we are now interested in exploring the possibility of him joining Milton Academy, and we want to ensure that we and he are well-prepared for the interview.

I would be extremely grateful if you could share your experiences regarding the interview process. Specifically, any information on the types of questions typically asked from parents, the areas they focus on, and any tips on how to best prepare would be invaluable to us.

We understand the importance of a strong education and believe that Milton Academy aligns with our educational values. Hearing from a current parent would provide us with valuable insights as we navigate this process.

If you have the time to share your thoughts and experiences, it would be greatly appreciated. Your guidance would mean a lot to us as we make this important decision for our son’s future.


From what I have heard on the webinars, for kids that young they mainly interview the parents. They want to know why that particular school and more about the kid from their perspective. I am not promoting the site but look into the webinar section on The last one done last week had parents of Elementary school children giving their perspectives and experiences.

Thank you. I apprecaite your reply.

I do not have students at Milton and have graduates of a different prep school - so this is based on our experience there. My best advice is not to only speak about the education, but go deeper into the community of the school and the values. How will you and your family contribute to the community ? Be involved ? What interests you ? What interests your child outside of academics? You mention you moved to a new area - would you be looking to build new parent and child friendships at Milton ? If yes, make sure you communicate that point. Remember - they are building a class and school community with much of the process being holistic beyond grades. Don’t forget to send a thank you note after your interview reiterating your interest with 1-2 personal points of things that stood out to you and your child - without going over the top.

I presume you are also applying to several other Boston area schools and not limiting his application to just Milton ?