Seen any good movies lately?

I think people overthink Yesterday. Do people analyze Spiderman to that extent? It’s just a fun kind of fantasy. No need to worry about suspending disbelief. Just go with it. That’s what movies are for, aren’t they?

I was grateful for something that wasn’t nightmare, relied too much on animation or special effects, terribly sad, or kid stuff. Yesterday was fine,

I sometimes overanalyze movies and criticize them for inconsistencies or unrealistic plot points, but in the case of Yesterday, I just enjoyed the music and fantasy and suspended disbelief.

I have a date to see Farewell on Tuesday.

If anyone catches the David Crosby bio please report back.

@shellfell: I suspended disbelief too. My problem is that the end of Jack’s career rests on something that is opposite to the film’s premise and world building.

^ But, MYOS, I didn’t mind the $10 or so I paid to see it. I don’t even remember the end, just my slightly annoyed reaction that it could have been a lot better. I felt the same about Widows, that Viola Davis was phenomenal, worth twice the price, but the rest of it was the pits. I’m in the group that didn’t like Rocketman, just can’t even hint at my feelings with a couple of bffs who love that sort of stuff. Overall, Yesterday was “good enough.” Filled a need.

Don’t know if there are any director Quentin Tarantino fans here but Once “Upon A Time…In Hollywood” is a well acted, funny, old Hollywood nostalgic, suspenseful, full of cameos, and at times violent film. I think people will either really like the film or really hate it. But with “Pulp Fiction” (QT) being in my top 10 all time favorites, I liked this new film of his and give it a solid B+. Anyone else see it?

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I’m excited to see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and a big Tarantino fan. H and are won’t get to see it until next weekend.

@showmom858 great, let us know your review once you see it and make sure not to read any reviews of the movie before you see it…

Yesterday SPOILER (don’t read if you want to see):
@MYOS1634 the problem was Jack’s unwillingness to sustain the marketing push that enriched those other than the creators and the audience. His decision to release the streaming material for free was a principled one. The movie made me think about “authenticity” a lot. I don’t believe there is any such thing as radical originality in the arts. The value of the music, also, is the community it created among the audience (I loved the scene where the two other people in the world who also remembered the Beatles danced on the roof together wearing Sergeant Pepper uniforms).
I also really love Danny Boyle movies. “Millions” is my favorite.

I am not a Tarantino fan at all, I don’t like all the over the top violence in his movies. I wasn’t going to see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, but two radio guys I listen to absolutely loved it, so I decided to go. I liked it a lot. It is long, but that didn’t bother me. Some fantastic acting, and a loving remembrance of Hollywood in 1969. I had a pit in my stomach for the ending that I feared was going to happen, and was positioned to walk out, but my fears were not realized and I had no problem staying.

Just saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and LOVED it! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Tarantino film before and I didn’t know a thing about the film before I saw it, except that Leo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt were starring. Wow, they were fantastic. Forgot just how good they are! Don’t read too much ahead of time if you can avoid it. Yes, some extreme violence, but not spread throughout the film. Really surprised how much I enjoyed the film.

I don’t like movie violence (or real life violence) so I will never see a Tarantino film. I’ve certainly read a lot about it this past week it must have some cultural significance.

I really like Tarantino so will definitely watch “once upon a time…”! For folks who don’t like his violent movies, maybe give his “Jacky Brown” a try? Another of his great movie that somehow was not often talked about.

We just saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Loved it. Make sure to stay through the credits (some people left as soon as the credits started rolling). . Brad and Leo are fantastic!

Where’d You Go Bernadette (Kate Blanchett) will apparently have a limited release on August 2. I am curious about how Seattle will look like in the movie because the movie was not filmed here. :slight_smile: I always laughed at the outdoor scenes in the handful of episodes of Grey’s Anatomy I watched - the bus shelters and absence of traffic were a dead giveaway that the show was not filmed in. Seattle.

The trailer looks interesting. I thought the book was funny and entertaining. Hope the movie is just as good!

I am a fan of Tarentino and don’t like violence. Much of the violence in Tarentino’s films is so over the top that it is IMO not believable. I stopped watching the Narcos series because it was too violent for me and the violence there was much more disurbing to me than Tarentino’s films. I don’t know if that makes sense to anyone but me???
Tarentino says he is going to retire after 10 movies–this new one is his 9th!

I don’t know whether I’m excited about Art of Racing in the Rain or afraid it will ruin the book. I loved the book. I’m re-reading it so that I can love it one more time in case the movie ruins it.

It has happened to me a lot that the movie is awful when I loved the book (Silver Lining Playbook).

@Bromfield2 I just rewatched his Pulp Fiction and Inglorious Basterds, the former does not feel as violent as I remembered while the latter is still pretty gruesome. I don’t think I will ever rewatch his reservoir dogs or hateful 8, will rewatch Django. I do like his very unique style and love his sound track/dialogue, he also picks (and either makes or remakes) good actors. I have not watched any of his TV productions. How old is he that he is going to retire? From directing or movies completely?

@twoinanddone I feel the same way. I loved that book and although I love Milo Ventimiglia in everything I’ve seen, I hope this movie doesn’t disappoint.