Seen any good movies lately?

We went to watch Joker last night too. I have never been a super-hero movie junkie, often been dragged to watch some by DH. I am amazed and mesmerized by Joaquin’s performances, on par with his superb Mr. Cash, but I bet it is a lot harder physically to play Joker.
Do have to keep my eyes closed for all the violent scenes.
I am not satisfied by the social background of the storyline, wish it were presented sharper/bleaker, but I guess the targeted audience might not really care about that aspect.

So interesting, just read the NYT review today and they hated it! (But I frequently disagree with them, so take most of their reviews with a grain of salt.)

Rotten Tomatoes has a 70% from critics, so mixed, but 92% from the audience.

I do enjoy super hero movies, especially ones with women in prominent roles, when they are not the victims (as women are so often portrayed). I like movies where I can identify with something about the characters, and I can’t see anyone identifiable in Joker, whatsoever. We really wanted to see that movie, because of Joaquin’s obviously incredible performance, but heard someone review it, and it sounded like the most depressing movie ever.

I don’t want to watch a movie that has nothing uplifting in it. Is there any way I can watch Joker without being horribly depressed?

I think the RT audience rating includes people who check, “Want to see it.”

RT changed its audience scoring system earlier this year to battle those who dislike films just based on subject matter.

The Audience Score, denoted by a popcorn bucket, is the percentage of users who have rated the movie or TV Show positively. For films to which we can verify users have bought tickets, the Audience Score is made up of Verified Ratings.


@busdriver11 - I personally didn’t find the film “depressing” - I found it thought provoking ala A Clockwork Orange and one Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. YMMV

Some criticisms I have read about Joker was of its “mimicking” of Taxi driver. It is a pretty dark movie, and the sad thing about it is that (might be spoiler but the preview would have shown it)

our society might be heading that direction if the gap of “haves and have nots” continues widen. It is more a social commentary than a super hero movie imho. I like such movies.

@makemesmart - yes, a social commentary - as was A Clockwork Orange. I also appreciate those kinds of stories as they make us think. And think we must.

Nothing wrong with movies that make you think, though everyone has their triggers. I did not like a Clockwork Orange at all, however, I was really young when my mother took me to see it. Probably not the best decision. Took me years to watch Schindler’s List, could barely sit through 12 Years a Slave (but what phenomenal acting).

Maybe going to sit this one out. Turning on the television is demoralizing enough without having to watch bullying and misery close up.

Along with @onthewestfence and @Barbalot I recommend “Searching”. Watched it with Xfinity On Demand. Don’t want to describe the plot because it is better to go into it knowing nothing at all, but it is a mystery-thriller that is presented in a unique way.

In my annual October quest to find semi-decent horror movies, I watched “Let Me In” last weekend. It’s an American (American-British?) remake of the Swedish movie “Let the Right One In,” and I think it’s better than the original.

If you’re looking for a tense, atmospheric vampire movie without all the Twilight-glimmer-hormonal stuff, this one’s for you.

We enjoyed Downton Abbey. A great way to escape to a different era (1937) for a couple of hours.

Ad Astra was meh, forgettable.

I got talked into going to see Joker tonight by my husband. He really wanted to go, there was wine and movie popcorn there, (as a bribe) so I gave in. I thought it was good, and didn’t walk away depressed or upset. Joaquin Phoenix was very convincing, and I guess I’m desensitized, as I didn’t think it was that bloody.

Molly’s Game was very good. It came out in 2017 but I only recently saw it (hooray for long flights). Jeremy Bloom is a homegrown celebrity. He skied and played football for CU-Boulder then went on to the Olympics and the NFL. His sister Molly was also destined to become an Olympic skier until a devastating injury altered the trajectory of her life. The movie could have gone more in depth with Molly’s story, but it’s a good drama and Jessica Chastain is convincing in the role. I enjoyed it.

Yes, I saw Molly’s Game on a prior flight and thought it was very good—very smart woman.

These past two long flights saw “Long Farewell” (Japanese movie with English subtitles about Alzheimer’s), Rocketman (which I thought was very well done about Elton John), Late Night (about an aging comedienne), and Isn’t it Romantic (silly, frothy movie).

We went to see Judy and wished we hadn’t. It was very painful to watch. I don’t want to say more to avoid spoiling it for others, but if you want more details, PM me.

Recently watched a couple of Coen Brothers’ movies (“Fargo”, “O Brother, Where Art Thou ?”, “No Country For Old Men”) titled “The Ballad of Buster Scruggs” – which consists of six short films-- and “A Serious Man”. Really enjoyed both films. Plan to watch “Blood Simple” next.

One of my most memorable accidental viewings was many years ago when I stumbled upon Quentin Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction”.

I watch Rich Eisen, which is a sports talk show. Last week he was in London for the football game but at a restaurant he was seated near an all star table - Scorsese, De Niro, Pacino, and others from the Irishman for the London premier. Joining them was Springsteen. So on yesterday’s program they all listed their favorite movie for each of them.

It was really HARD to pick favorites as these stars have been in so many good movies. Fun show, fun call in with everyone defending their choices.

“The Defiant Requiem” on Amazon Prime

Netflix miniseries “Unbelievable”