Seen any good movies lately?

The series started in 1964 so the selection definitely was not inclusive. In the beginning the interviewer questions were sexist by our modern standards , asked the girls about family and children and the boys career aspirations. But over time, I can see the subjects turn the table and put the director on trial too.

What makes it interesting is how some turned out exactly as you thought they would while others not so, a few quite tragic. I also had to confront my own prejudices when someone I thought of as spoiled privileged future “Brexiteer” turned more nuanced.

@ccreader - I have seen the previous Up installments but can’t figure out where 63 Up is streaming - where did you watch it?

@college_query 63 Up just came out 11/27, I think it may be in selective theaters in selective cities. I am catching up with the series before, and if, it comes here.

Glad to see so many positive comments on “Knives Out”. I think that will be our family Christmas Day movie . No way I’ll get H, S and SIL to see “Little Women” or “Cats”!

Knives Out is an enjoyable movie, but goodness gracious that Southern accent was horrible! Happens to be a pet peeve of mine, so had a hard time getting past it. It wasn’t necessary to the story to make Daniel Craig Southern, so why do it?

Really liked Dark Waters.

@GRITS80 i had the impression it was overdone on purpose, to be funny?

@milgymfam & @GRITS80 - I believe the “southern” accent was a tongue in cheek finger pointing at all the terrible “English” accents that float about in films and TV.

Looking forward to Little Women, which is coming out on Christmas Day. A large part of the filming took place in my town. I have a number of friends who were extras or whose homes/properties the production company used for the film.

@JustaMom That makes sense. I am sure the Brits are as annoyed and distracted with our fake English accents!

@Bromfield2 : what town(s)? (Just curious)

Just saw 63 Up. If you’re a fan of the series (7 Up, etc.) it’s great visiting these “kids” who are all just a couple years older than me. I’ve been a fan from the beginning. I hope we get to 70 although some of the interviews made me think this might be the end of the series.

Rented “Red Joan” here at home. We enjoyed it.

Rented on Amazon video, $5 Linda Ronstadt, The Sound of my Voice.
Read a glowing review of the movie, and expected more, but still recommend it,

@ccreader my family is southern and I am very picky about Southern accents, and I didn’t actually mind it. Perhaps slightly overblown, but I definitely know people from the Deep South with accents like that. And at least the sounds and rhythms were right! Don’t even get me started on Julia Roberts’ accent in Steel Magnolias!!

About Snowpiercer: I didn’t hate it; I thought the main character was flat, emotionally (one facial expression – the scowl). And the premise (uniquely sourced energy bars!) was a little gross and not to the level of other dystopian films. Plus I felt Tilda Swinton was misused. She is too often overly made up and seemed to be “other” when she is an amazing actress.

I saw Dark Waters this afternoon and thought it was quite good.

I thought the basic premise of Snowpiercer - you have a world covered with snow so you run a train around on a track was so mind-blowingly stupid I couldn’t get past it. Add unlikable, unbelievable characters and an energy source that also was completely unbelievable… Just no. I don’t see it as a parable for anything. I’m fine with dumb Marvel movies. I love Jessica Jones. Buffy was fabulous. I hated every second of Snowpiercer .

Watched the “Irishman” on Netflix. Loaded with great actors in Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, Joe Pesci and others. Coming from Northern NJ just outside NYC I recall much of the storyline growing up. The movie tied up a lot of loose ends and details I was never aware of with Jimmy Hoffa and some of the mob families. It was a full 3.5 hours and probably could have been cut back a good 20 minutes, but 9 out of 10 stars IMO.

Are there a lot of movies with Americans playing the English with bad accents? I must be misinformed or missing all of these.

If anything there’s countless Brits portraying American accents. It doesn’t bother me.

But jumping on the poster who didn’t like the southern accent as a form of “rightful payback” is just a really common and uniquely American reaction.

Also actors regularly butcher the Boston accent. Like everyone is from Southie or a Kennedy depending on the genre.

Finally saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Yikes! Enjoyed it.