Seen any good movies lately?

The Kingmaker and The Cave were two great documentaries. I also enjoyed Hotel Mumbai and Official Secrets. Excellent acting in the latter. And Judy Dench was superb in Red Joan.

Just saw a pre-screening of “Bombshell” yesterday. Charlie Theron can win an award for her portrayal of Megan Kelly. This was a much better movie then I thought it was going to be. Great cast also. Think this movie will surprise a lot of people. Nicole Kidman was good and really liked Margot Robbie. (all her movie characters are so diverse). Jon Lithgow as Roger Ailes was great casting.

Saw Bombshell last night. It was a very good movie. I’m glass I have the Regal movie pass because I’m going to see it again (there was a lot going on). A few items were glossed over, but overall a well done film.

I saw Bombshell today as well and I agree that it was a good movie.

I just got home from seeing Dark Waters - a docudrama based on events that unfolded from 1975 to the early 2000s. It’s disturbing on many levels and I think Mark Ruffalo hit every note beautifully. No spoilers here, but if you like good story-driven films (vs action/adventure) this is a go see!

The latest film I saw (last night) is probably really only for fans of dance - I’ve only really started delving into the art form about 12 years ago (when I stumbled on an episode of So You Think You Can Dance), but I’m captivated by it on many levels.

Cunningham is a unique film about Merce Cunningham, who is most likely the “father” of modern dance. His work is esoteric and somewhat out of this world. He claims that it’s not interpretive, and instead “just is” - and along with his long-term collaborator (composer) John Cage and visual artist Robert Rauschenberg blew peoples minds…with dance, sound, and visuals (costumes and “sets”).

One thing I loved about this film was its lack of linear “storytelling” - just as Cunningham himself didn’t follow a linear path. Unique (again) to this film is that it took a risk in shooting in 3D - not the kind you need specialized glasses with (so there were a few in the theater that I heard gasp) and it added to the experience in a way that is near impossible to explain.

If you like dance, of any kind, and you like to delve into an artist’s process, I highly recommend this film, and I recommend seeing it on the big screen.

It was so rich and full that I’ll be going to see it again.

First They Killed my Father, Netflix I think. Beautifully filmed, though very sad, movie about a little girl’s experience of the take over of Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge.

I watched Uncut Gems last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was surprised how great Adam Sandler was in this movie. Idina Menzel plays his wife. Watching Little Women this afternoon.

I’m hoping to catch Uncut Gems in the next week. Glad to hear you liked it. From the previews it certainly looks like a different movie for Adam Sandler.

Saw Richard Jewell today. It was good. A bit slow at times, but I thought it was well done.

Saw Knives Out last night. None of us thought it was that great and are shocked it got such a high rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

I gave it a 4-5/10 rating.

Lol, loves Knives out!
I was shocked Jumanji got 70% by critics and close to 90% by viewers. We went in with Extremely low expectations and still were disappointed. I like The Rock and Kevin Hart and Jack Black and Danny Devito, what a waste of talents. And why is Karen Gillian not top-billing? She definitely has the most time on screen

‘And why is Karen Gillian not top-billing? She definitely has the most time on screen”

Billing is negotiated in actors contracts. It’s not primarily based on screen time. She has billing on the poster with the other more well known stars which is pretty good for a relative unknown.

Loved Knives Out but I love Agatha Christie.

We went out for our traditional Jewish Xmas eve Chinese dinner and movie last night and saw Star Wars Rise of Starwalker. It was adequate enough. DS assures me we all saw The Last Jedi two years ago but I have no good memory of it so went into episode IX somewhat confused. But it became clearer as the movie progressed and lots of throwbacks.

I still remember the thrills from seeing Episode IV A New Hope at the Esquire Theater in Chicago in 1977.

I saw Star Wars with D & SIL yesterday. We all liked it and felt they tied it up with a bow for the fans. I loved how they threw in a little tribute to the 42 year span from beginning to end in the explanation about the festival on whatever planet it was.

Heading to Little Women on Friday with D & DIL. D & I had planned to go tomorrow, but we have to wait for DIL now because she asked and we thought it would be mean to shut her out. I hope it lives up to all the hype since LIttle Women is one of my very favorite books ever and I loved the Winona Ryder version.

I felt like Little Women did live up to the hype. My husband and my son humored me and saw it with me since it was my birthday. We ALL really liked it. I loved it. I thought that Saoirse Ronan and Timothee Chalamet were both fantastic.

Loved Knives Out!

Saw Little Women today with my daughter and mom, and all three of us enjoyed it.

I want to see Little Women, but probably will wait until after my son leaves since I’m quite sure he won’t see it.

Fortunately my D is versatile with her movie tastes. She saw Star Wars with her BF and her dad (not at the same time though!) and will watch Little Women with me this week. What a great kid :wink: It’s rare that we all like the same movies but we all enjoyed Knives Out.

@kelsmom I just discovered this thread. Our family really liked JoJo Rabbit a lot. We’ve now started watching a bunch of Taika Waititi films. We watched Boy which was very good and now tonight just watched Hunt for the Wilderpeople (my husband and I had seen it before but our daughter hadn’t) - it’s excellent! Recommend both if you haven’t seen them.

I haven’t seen Little Women yet but I don’t think it has been “hyped.” So far it just sounds as though the reviews have been good. I found JoJo Rabbit disturbing, which is probably as it should be. The Hunt for the Wilderpeople is among my favorite all-time movies, though.