Seen any good movies lately?

My husband and I liked Knives Out quite a bit. We were meh on Marriage Story. Yes, Adam Driver was very good. But I had problems with some parts of the story and felt it had been overhyped.

Interesting previews - Iron Man as Dr. Doolittle (i.e. Robert Downey Jr.). The new James Bond. And a live action Mulan, among others.

Great movie!

The family went to see Jojo Rabbit, I found it to be very sad and it generated nice discussions about movie making in general and “nazi” movies in particular, a very unique movie. The two lead young actors acted well! DH didn’t want to watch sad movies but he was glad that he went along. We both loved “hunt for the Wilderpeople”.
Now I need to convince them to join me for Little Women.

We saw the Star Wars movie on Tuesday. My sons all hated it, especially the biggest Star Wars fan. They felt the movie did not follow the Star Wars “cannon” and that the pacing was terrible.

Looking forward to a number of well-reviewed movies including Little Women and 1917.

Last night I saw Uncut Gems. This film is not for everyone. However, in its intensity and story it was pretty darn good. Adam Sandler is a very good actor, and he really took this film all the way to the end. I never once felt like he wasn’t 110% committed. The editing was amazing, the original music fit perfectly. It may surprise at the Oscars.

1917 and it’s attempt to film with the single shot ethos and perspective is number one on our list of must see. Sam Mendes fan.

Can’t wait.

We loved Jumanji (H, our younger two lads and wife of one of them - all 20s, except H, of course). It’s definitely our genre and a big majority in our almost full theater seemed to really enjoy it too based upon comments we heard afterward. I think it’s my favorite series (going back to Robin Williams in the original). We’re hoping it doesn’t take long for the next one which seems like it will head back to the original with the game coming to real time vs the players going into the game.

Going to head to Star Wars on Monday, but don’t really have high expectations for that one. We’re just completing the series. Time will tell.

I don’t see much showing that fits what we like to see otherwise. We’d watch the Fred Rogers movie, but having seen the other and having heard from folks who have been we’ve decided to wait for Netflix.

Originally wanted to see Cats, but will wait on that or skip it altogether. One son might catch it at med school out of curiosity as to why so many dislike it. I’m not that curious. It’s not even my favorite musical.

Saw Dark Waters last night. It’s a tough movie to watch. It’s sinful what DuPont got away with. It’s timely since regulations are being rolled back for corporation’s bottom lines. Mark Ruffalo was great.

We watched a great movie on Netflix called Echo in the Canyon. It’s a musical documentary that celebrates the incredible music that came out of LA in the 60’s. We watched it twice since we introduced it to our son too. He loved it.

We haven’t seen Star Wars yet, but those in our family who are “super fans” of the series were split. D1 and her bf didn’t love it, but my youngest brother and SIL did love it. I guess H and I will be the tie breaker when we see it!

‘haven’t seen Little Women yet but I don’t think it has been “hyped.”“

I’m very much looking forward to seeing it but it’s definitely been hyped. There are tons of articles about there about the movie and “little women” generally in anticipation of the movie. These aren’t reviews but rather general discussions. These are the sorts of articles you see when there’s a prestige movie that is expected to do well. The studio PR departments work hard to see that articles like this get out there.

I think Little Women has been marketed, much as the Mister Rogers movie was marketed, with Tom Hanks on the cover of everything in the weeks prior to release. But “hype” to me has a negative connotation. Like showing up on the cover of everything while getting bad reviews. Maybe “hype” has a more neutral connotation than I thought.

I saw Little Women yesterday. It was good, but parts (even for someone like me who loved the book) felt too sweet. And were we supposed to not like Amy? She felt the most flat and modern (i.e., out of place). And she looked overinflated. Like a parade balloon.

I saw Little Women yesterday with my D age 20 and son age 18. We all loved it. Great acting, great story. One of the best movies I’ve seen in a while!

I saw Star Wars this week with my 9-year-old grandson. I highly recommend seeing the movie with a kid companion (we saw it in 3D as well). We had fun and had interesting conversations about movie special effects, stunts, and real-life science and physics (such as the speed of light, light years, and how much time it would really take to travel between star systems). We also talked about plot development and foreshadowing. Definitely a good choice for a grandmother/grandson “date” movie on a rainy day. (Anything else? meh…)

My wife stumbled upon “About Time” as she was movie surfing on Netflix.
Wow, Best movie we’ve seen in a long time. Everyone we spoke with that viewed “About Time” loved it too.

Great flick.

Want to take my son to “1917”, while he’s home for the holidays.

Well, my 32 year old S laughed very loudly at a dramatic moment of Star Wars. He was the only one laughing out loud and I had to shush him. I thought it was fine—Adventure and froth.

I saw Uncut Gems yesterday. Very intense and Adam Sandler was fantastic.

Just a warning about Uncut Gems. Some people (like my wife) will really really not like this film. Very loud, bad language, violence, and … loud. Wife almost made us walk out.