Seen any good movies lately?

I have no idea what the love for The Irishman is about. I expected to enjoy it, instead I persisted through an overly long self indulgent trope to old white males who are unable or unwilling to hand over the young roles to new talent. It destroyed what could have been fabulous. The de aging didn’t work, as they all moved like old men. Ridiculous.

Maybe I’m late to the party but I saw Joker last night and really thought it was great. I surprised myself at how much I liked it. Joaquin Phoenix delivered a stellar performance.

Thanks to the folks who recommended About Time. I watched it yesterday afternoon and liked it so much that I rewatched it with the rest of the family last night. They all really enjoyed it as well.

I saw Uncut Gems a few days ago and I have to say it’s taken awhile for me to process the events of the movie. At the end, I turned to my husband and said I wasn’t sure I liked the movie. However, I think my dislike was really of Adam Sandler’s character and his decisions.

I do think the movie was well-made and Adam Sandler really displayed previously unseen acting skills. Wonder what type of recognition he will get for his performance, award-wise.

The Rise of Skywalker was disappointing. Admittedly, my expectations for this final installment were quite high.

All of our family love About Time. We saw it when it first came out and many times since then. Rachel McAdams is the go to actress for time travel movies.

I absolutely detested Uncut Gems. Normally, I’ll check out trailers of a movie I’m considering as well as the rottentomatoes audience score. DS and I were out yesterday, trying to kill about 3 hours. There were 2 movies playing at the theater that would finish by the time we needed to be out. I asked DS to check rottentomatoes and a google search showed 93% liked it. What I didn’t know was that was the critic score, not the audience score, which was 55%. I was ready to leave soon after the movie started, but we were blocked into our seats. I foresaw the ending waaay before it happened and was wishing for it for half the movie.

D and I enjoyed Little Women quite a lot. This is with her having never read the book, and me having read it +35 years ago and not remembering a thing!

There were some scenes of the movie we were not sure were actually happening to Jo, or if the scenes were depictions of Jo’s novel. I’ll say no more to avoid any spoilers.

The back and forth scenes were a little confusing, but we agreed it did not dampen our enjoyment of the movie.

Saoirse Ronan was born to play Jo, she lights up the screen! Of course, she is born to play Ladybird, Eilis of Brooklyn, and Briony Tallis in Atonement! She is such an amazing actor.
I don’t think Florence Pugh is a miscast of Amy, she is just not a conventional beauty, much better played than Emma Watson’s Meg, who is a bore (granted, it could be due to the limitation of her character).
No problem in following with the chronological back and forth, I read the book many many years ago and barely remember the details.

Love About Time too!
Saw preview of the new Emma, I got to say I am so partial to Gwyneth Paltrow’s Emma and Jeremy Northam’s Mr. Knightly are just perfection.

Just watched Dolemite Is My Name. Loved it!

We are huge About Time fans. It is in our top five go to movies when we are all home together and watch it a couple times a year.

An absolutely fascinating documentary film. American Factory on Netflix. I encourage everyone to see it.

Just saw Hustlers and while I thought Jennifer Lopez’ acting was surprisingly good, I did not enjoy the movie - found it depressing. I don’t know quite what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this.

On all these reviews I decided to check out About Time, and I absolutely loved it. Though quite different, it still reminded me of my favorite movie of all time, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It is now a new entry in my tops list.

Has anyone seen 1917 yet? I don’t think anyone has posted about it. I was planning to see it with DH tomorrow (we both get off work early) but after reading a few reviews, I’m rethinking it. There is a movie playing I haven’t heard much about but sounds intriguing:

After entertaining family at our house on Saturday (for the second time in four days), as people left, my son’s were scheming to fit in Star Wars the next morning before another family commitment. I said I didn’t think that would work - but check that night’s latest show time.

So we went to the 11pm show on Saturday, and thoroughly enjoyed the recliner seats and movie theater experience. We simultaneously liked and made fun of parts of the movie, but overall liked it - and it felt like we snuck in something extra!

We randomly re-watched some oldies but goodies from our DVD collection this Christmas break. Apollo 13 and The Big Short were some of them. Our number one rewatched movie is O Brother… never fails to entertain.

The same 5 of us who went to Jumanji (and loved it) last Monday went to Star Wars yesterday. Meh. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great either. Comparing afterward we decided it should get 3 stars vs Jumanji’s 5 if we were rating them.

Interestingly enough, we saw both movies the same day (Monday matinee) at the same time post release. Jumanji’s theater was 3/4ths full and we were glad we got there early to get good seats. There was only one other couple in Star Wars with us. We’d consider rewatching Jumanji if we had time (we don’t). None of us feel the desire to rewatch Star Wars.

Thanks to those who recommended “About Time” lovely - would never have found that gem without your guidance