Seen any good movies lately?

Short Term 12 on Netflix. I will be thinking about it for days or weeks to come. It was a good discovery. (Before some of the cast became famous.)

I went to see Parasite…this movie is a trip and a half! I didn’t know what to expect, except that it was in Korean with English subtitles (I try very hard not to know about films in advance so I can see them without preconceived notions). This film is definitely NOT for everyone, but if you like films that don’t necessarily hold you by the hand, and enjoy twists and turns, you may like it. I liked it. A lot. No spoilers from me, but I will say this film covers nearly every genre in filmmaking and has metaphors galore!

With so many giving thumbs up to ‘About Time’ it’s about time I look into it.

+1 for About Time. One of my favorite movies that we watch annually, along with Love Actually by the same director. The soundtrack is also amazing. Now I have to go play it on Spotify!

Based on the rave reviews here, I have selected About Time for our New Years Eve movie. Here’s hoping it’s a hit at our house!

Me, too!

@bloomfield88 and everyone who posted About Time - how have I missed this Rachel McAdams movie but I’ve seen The Time Traveler’s Wife more than once?! Will add this movie to watch list. I’ve seen many Rachel movies and like her (except her character in Midnight in Paris).

Knives Out was good, fun cast, something different. We both enjoyed Ford v Ferrari and we don’t follow car racing. Hope to see Little Women and 1917 in January.

Speaking of About Time, I happened to re-watch The Last Jedi the night after I watched it, and was surprised to realize that the actor who played Tim was also General Hux!!

@threegirlpileup Domhnall Gleason was also in Brooklyn, American Made and very good Ex Machina! I just found out last year his dad is Brendan Gleason, many acting credits including In Bruges and The Village.

Brendan Gleason is also Mad-eye Moody of Harry Potter franchise @3sonsmom ?
ex-machina is another great movie.

I like Bill Nighy the most in About time. Interested to see him as Mr. Woodhouse in the new Emma.

@makemesmart I have sons but I didn’t see the Harry Potter movies (they all did). Ex Machina was great because we knew nothing about it before watching. Goal for weekend viewing - About Time.

This film might be random, but bear with me. I have the Regal Unlimited and was looking for a film to go to last night. I have 14 art screens near me (8 at one theater, 6 at the other). One plays Hindi films regularly and they always draw a large crowd. Last night I decided what the heck, and popped in to Good Newwz - what a hoot and a half! Laugh out loud funny, a wee bit cheesy (I even wept at one point) and the absolutely required Bollywood dance scenes (3 of them!) that were spectacular (and over the top)! I don’t speak Hindi, but I was really surprised (afterward when I got home) to learn that there’s actually something called Hinglish, that is spoken throughout India (and even Pakistan). The film was subtitled.

All this being said, I’m going to start going to the Hindi films now - especially the comedies. In fact, there’s another comedy, Pati Patni Aur Woh (translation: Him, Her, and the Other) that I’m going to try and see - it’s a late night start only (10 pm) - but if I find myself with a burst of energy this weekend, I’m going.

Happy New Year!

S, DIL & I watched The Two Popes last night. Good film and nice that we could stream at home. Anthony Hopkins is very good (as always) as Pope Benedict, but Jonathan Pryce is extraordinary as Pope Francis. The resemblance is uncanny.

We watched Two Popes also last night… Lol…

It was simply excellent and both actors were sensational!

Much better then I thought it would be.

We had a low key New Years so we decided to see Uncut Gems and all 4 of us really liked it. It was non-stop action / anxiety that really captured well the sketchy jewelry business, gambling addiction and the effects on the family. Adam Sandler was great and believable as hustler Howard Ratner.

We watched Booksmart last night finally, been meaning to for a long time and we enjoyed it. We then discovered another Taika Waititi film was on Hulu which our daughter got for a month, so we decided to try it since we seem to be on a Waititi kick. This was called Eagle vs. Shark and was one of his earlier ones. It definitely was funny and we enjoyed it because we like his quirky style, but one character was quite unlikeable and it was a bit hard to watch how he treated another character, even though you got the gist that he’d had some hard times himself perhaps accounting for it. But overall, worthwhile if you like Waititi.

My daughter and I have been working our way through the A24 catalog, and we’ve recently watched Locke and Never Goin Back and enjoyed them both very much. We have an affinity for the A24 “style”, which is hard to quantify since they make so many different movies, but we feel it nonetheless.

I love Locke. I’m a huge Tom Hardy fan and he does a great job carrying the film.

We like In Bruges very much, Brendan Gleason and Colin Farrell are excellent.

I think Colin Farrell is underrated as an actor. His Performance in Lobster should have won him many accolades, and Speaking of quirky movies, Lobster definitely is one of the top-rated quirky movies of all time. It doesn’t hurt to have my favoriteS Rachel Weisz and Olivia Colman either.

I (finally) saw Little Women. Interesting to note, I loved the book and have never(!) been able to sit through a film/tv version - always so over the top and sticky-sweet. Yuck. But hey, I have Regal Unlimited so I gave this one a go. I really liked this version, and actually got through the entire thing. I’m not sure why some are saying the character of Amy is miscast, I actually felt the odd-man out was Bob Odenkirk as Father. And as much as I like Meryl Streep, I think she was hammy in this role. I I loved Saoirse Ronan and Laura Dern (they both seemed so natural in these roles), and I adored Timothée Chalamet as Laurie. I didn’t struggle with the flipping between time periods - almost immediately I recognized some distinct differences (hairstyles, set design colors). I think Greta Gerwig is a filmmaker we’ll be watching for a very long time - I really like her pacing and sensibilities. I liked the film enough that I may even go see it again!

Yeah, he didn’t work either, IMO, but his role was small.

The flipping between time periods wasn’t necessarily a struggle - I just felt it added nothing to the story line at all. It didn’t make it a better film, IMO. I just kept thinking, why?

Also, some of the cast seemed way too old for the ages they were portraying and the switching made that more obvious to me.