Seen any good movies lately?

@doschicos - I can see that, yeah. It’s hard to “age” actors.

The time shifts worked especially well (emotionally) for Beth’s story.
And I am lol here because I somehow thought Dad March was played by Kevin Costner?

^^^Agree that Bob Odenkirk as Bronson Alcott didn’t work.

The first time he appeared on the screen my H leaned over and whispered—Better Call Saul!!

@makemesmart I will add The Lobster, one person recommended and another didn’t like but it sounds like a unique movie! And I agree, Rachel Weisz (and McAdams!) plus Olivia Coleman is a bonus. I saw the two Rachels in Disobedience. They are actresses I like and Alicia Vikander too.

I finally saw Ford v Ferrari last night. It was really good. I enjoyed the historical portions the best, Carroll Shelby’s story and building race cars at LAX (LA International Airport) were new to me. I really liked Matt Damon in this film, and Christian Bale was so nuanced I lost myself in his performance. He’s really something to watch on the big screen.

Saw The Last Black Man in San Francisco. Overall really liked it, though there were some parts I found slow. Fascinating back story also, first time filmmakers and story is based on the life of one of them who also stars as the character based on himself. Definitely worth seeing.

@CAtransplant, we loved the Last Black Man in San Francisco. It was so beautifully shot and acted, and we were amazed to find out one of the main characters was never an actor previously. We were on a San Fran / Oakland movie kick for a bit there.

We just watched Leave No Trace and it’s pretty brilliant.

@milgymfam oh I watched Leave No Trace on a plane and really liked it. Apparently it was based on a book but I haven’t read the book. I understand the book ended differently than the movie.

Forgot to mention we also watched Arctic last night - very good - hard to watch at times due to its harrowing nature but really well done.

I think most of you would enjoy Knives Out. It’s a funny, classic “Who dunnit?” type movie involving a wealthy family.

Little women
I don’t see how the time changes added anything. I’ve read the multiple times, so I had no trouble following. But did it gain?

I thought the time changes would be very confusing for anyone who had not read the book. I also thought that the actor for Laurie seemed very young when the time was in the later periods.

Slight aside related to Little Women–A friend and I are going to a lecture in a few weeks (sponsored by the local NPR station) featuring Anne Boyd Rioux–she’s has a new book–Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy: The Story of Little Women and Why it Still Matters.

I watched One Child Nation. Not for everyone! I found parts shocking, revealing my ignorance about how the policy was enforced and unintended consequences.

I’m happy Leave No Trace is making the rounds. There is something about it that draws me in, and I love to watch it every once in a while when I have time to just be quiet on the couch.

Watched The Joker. Just unrelentingly depressing and not for me.

I saw Just Mercy last night. The film is based on a true story about young civil rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson, his Director of Operations Eva Ansley, and his newly formed Equal Justice Initiative and their desire to advocate for the poor and the incarcerated.

This is a must see for every person over 10. I chose 10 because in my opinion, at 10 years old most are ready for some real truth about the world (there’s no Santa, everyone isn’t a “winner”, money really doesn’t grow on trees, there’s a racial divide in this nation and worldwide that needs to be acknowledged, etc.).

This film is so understated, so nuanced. There are so many beautiful performances it very well may sweep the Oscars. JoJo Rabbit is still my favorite movie of the Oscar year (2019) but it wouldn’t surprise me if Just Mercy takes the big prize. No need to run to the theater (it’s not required to see on the big screen), but do see it, and do encourage your family and friends to see it.

The men and women in the story are real, their stories are real, and they need to be heard. I’ll be reading Mr. Stevensen’s book next.

We just rewatched Thin Man, precursor to many detective shows with William Powell and Myrna Loy. It was visually gorgeous with stunning outfits worn by Myrna. Amazing how much they drank in the movie!

@HImom - I loved The Thin Man. Actually love that era of films altogether- cinematography and costuming were divine - time to dig this one out and dust it off.

Our book club read Just Mercy and it left a big impact on us. I recommend and give away the book to anyone interested in our nation broken system of justice. I am reluctant to see the movie since the book covered so many issues, more than just one case depicted in the movie, I am afraid it may not do it justice (pun not intended) but I will go anyway.

My D was a cinema major and loves many of the oldies. When she’s around, we try to view them with her and love the good period pieces.