Seen any good movies lately?

Last night we watched Memento with our D20, an aspiring film and tv production major. She had never seen it and we’d not seen it since it first came out. Luckily, with our aging brains, we’d forgotten a lot of it. Such a fascinating movie. Afterwards, we went and read a lot and watched youtube videos purporting to explain certain aspects, including a video of Christopher Nolan trying to explain the intersecting timelines. Great movie!

Saw Just Mercy today and it was excellent.

@JustaMom, I love Connie Schultz and follow her on Facebook and Twitter. Evidently she and husband (Sherrod Brown) saw Just Mercy yesterday and she was so impacted that she came home and changed her course syllabus to include the book (and purchased the books for her students out of her own pocket). D read the book a few years ago and has raved about it. She thinks the movie can only scratch the surface, but what I am seeing and hearing makes me think they’ve done a great job of sharing the overall message in the film.


Got to see Just Mercy since everyone likes it…

Just rented from Redbox (free t-mobile) “Judy”… Wow. Outstanding performance.

Then we watched a few days ago with our other free code… Once upon a time in Hollywood… It was entertaining but didn’t think it was award winning but we will see.

I thought Memento was fabulous, probably the best movie I saw that year, certainly the most interesting. The structure of the movie really made one understand what living with memory problems would be like. I never felt confused about the story line. I ran into a friend who had seen it the same weekend we did who couldn’t stop talking about how horrible it was.

Wow. I’m in a state of shock. I just watched One Child Nation on Amazon, real stories about China’s 35 year mandatory one child policy that ended only 4+ years ago in 2015.

Eye opening, heartbreaking documentary.

I need a dose of comedy after that.

We are watching so many movies, I haven’t been even posting them all here! Last night my husband and daughter decided we should see not one but two very heavy movies! The Machinist and Joker! What a double header. They were both good, though really too much for one night! Both very intense. Joker is not a movie I would probably have chosen to watch without their urging but Joaquin Phoenix was amazing. And Christian Bale was incredible in The Machinist.

Tonight I insisted we see something lighter. So we saw a Swedish movie called Force Majeure which we’ve been meaning to see for years. I guess I would say it’s drama but with comic elements. We all really enjoyed it.

I spoiled myself silly by watching Yesterday, followed by Blinded by the Light. I’m a huge fan of both The Beatles and Springsteen, so had a thoroughly enjoyable weekend.

I may have liked Blinded by the Light just a little bit more than Yesterday, but mainly because it was based on a true story and did a good job of incorporating Springsteen’s lyrics into the telling of the story.

Himesh Patel has a beautiful voice and did The Beatles’ songs justice in Yesterday.

I will definitely watch them both again.

Yes, I enjoyed the combo as well and saw both of them on a long plane ride. Both were well done.

Just watched “My Man Godfrey,” on my iPad. It was as well made as I recalled. Lovely costuming.

We watched Uncut Gems the other day and I thought it was a frenetic chaotic thing that was fairly amazing to watch. We also watched Snowpiercer and Her at home, and Jumanji at the base theater, and liked them all.

I didn’t care for The Joker or Blinded by the Light at all- I didn’t even finish the later and kinda wish I hadn’t bothered with the former.

We were disappointed in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I was so bored I only lasted about 30 min in. H and D continued to the end (which they said was the best part) but felt it was overhyped.

Himom—did you watch the 30’s original of My Man Godfrey or the remake from the 50s? I preferred the original.

I saw Casablanca (again) last night. That movie is perfect. There isn’t an unnecessary word or story line or character in it.

Saw 1917 on Thursday, the first night it was out in our area. We were both disappointed, as we had high expectations based upon reviews and commercials, we are both veterans and appreciate war movies in that time frame.

Here’s the problem. It is shot like you are following the characters along in one long streaming view…which is tough to sit through, it’s like peering over someones shoulder as they play a video game. For the entire movie. I know this is portrayed as groundbreaking sort of camera work, but in reality it becomes tedious and difficult to watch. They don’t develop the characters in any way, so it is hard to care about them. You don’t really learn anything about the war, in fact I wasn’t even sure what country or what war they were in (except obviously the title infers World War 1). If you like war movies, I’d see it once, sitting back as far as possible in the theater. The fantastic reviews it has gotten—no. This is not even in the same realm as Saving Private Ryan. It is a very linear plot, not bad, but not the amazing movie we thought it would be.

Just happened to have watched two JOhn C. Reilly movies, Stan and Ollie, and The Sisters Brothers, like the former better than the latter (I enjoyed reading the Sisters Brothers book, the movie not so much). DH grew up watching Laurel and Hardy, I only knew of their existence, thought both Coogan and Reilly have great performance playing the title roles.

Really want to watch Just mercy.

@Bromfield2 — traditionalist that I am, watched the originals of all the movies—My Man Godfrey, Thin Man & Thin Man Returns, and Cheaper by the Dozen and Belles on their Toes.

The sets and costuming are rich and lovely. I love period pieces and really don’t need to see newer versions of old movies.

@JustaMom and @ccreader , you will be pleased to hear that both of my sons (freshman in high school, freshman in college) have Just Mercy as required reading this year. I bought one for myself, and it was also the Ohio State common reading book a year or two ago…apparently they are big enough to get their own insert page for their common reading books! Freshman son’s class is seeing the movie soon.

And to bring it back around to movies, we liked LIttle Women a lot. My kids hadn’t read the book and didn’t have trouble with the time jumps. I watched The Irishman over two nights. More out of homage to to one of my old faves, Heat, which starred DeNiro and Pacino. While I enjoyed the performances in The Irishman, I wouldn’t have paid admission to it or sat through it in a theater.

How to watch the nominated movies.

Finally saw Rocketman. I really enjoyed it. How lucky that we had three good musical movies in such a short span of time.