Seen any good movies lately?


I didn’t find the comedian’s jokes funny either — which, I think, was a big part of the movie’s story arc. The record execs didn’t quite get it either, but the sales made them believers.

The not-funny made me think of the scene where the three friends are sitting in the movie theater watching the Jack Lemmon movie & cannot understand what the audience finds so funny.

One of my friends had the same reaction you did. Not sure she finished it either!

I mentioned Dolemite Is My Name earlier in this thread. Loved it, and critics and audiences , in general, have given it great reviews. No movie is going to be liked by everyone but it is worth a look!

@HiToWaMom - English Vinglish - gotta find it based on the title alone! <3

@HiToWaMom thanks for the Hindi recommendations. I recently saw Good Newz in the theater when I was in the mood for a movie but had already seen anything I was interested in. I thought it was good. My local Regal theater always has 3-5 Hindi or Telugu movies playing at it. If you have any recommendations for current ones, pass them on.

I don’t see any new Hindi movies at the theaters around here (in north of Seattle). My recommendations are all on DVDs. Do you guys have big Indian communities near you?

@HiToWaMom I’m in the Philadelphia area and I would guess at my kid’s school and the surrounding areas probably 5% of the students are Indian. So, not a large amount, but not tiny either. I’m hoping to catch one or two Indian movies a month at the theater. It’s just hard sometimes to find reviews or even trailers with subtitles. The movies always have the subtitles, but sometimes I can’t find a trailer to see if the movie looks like one I’ll like.

@HiToWaMom - our Indian community is pretty large, and the art theater (6 screens) has at least one film sometimes two at any given time. They are packed every time. I’ll look for the DVDs.

DH and I enjoyed Dolomite is My Name, even tho we both had trouble understanding some of the dialogues at the beginning, Murphy is excellent!
We have never heard of Rudy Ray Moore, (“the godfather of rap”).

Saw Yesterday on DVD, DH loves it, I find it charming.

Watched First Reformed tonight. Very well acted. The pace is very “A24” typical, but I enjoy that very much.

        I watched Marriage Story on NFlix and thought it was terrific. Any accolades well deserved. 

Finally saw Little Women and really enjoyed it. Of course Professor Bhaer was much too hot, and his accent seemed more French than German, but that makes it a lot easier to see why Jo falls for him. The scene where he tells her he doesn’t like her stories seemed much less preachy. I was surprised by the physicality of it. All that running, and rough-housing and vigorous dancing. (Jo never went to a beer hall in the book!) Interested to see an article in today’s NYT’s which said the dancing was actually choreographed to modern music although the sound track is all 19th century.

I actually really liked Amy. I’ve always had a secret fondness for her, despite the fact that she destroyed Jo’s book. (That scene came off as even more callous because she’s obviously not 12 in the movie. It was the one time my DH asked me that had happened in the book as well.)

Never was a Christian Bale fan but I thought he was excellent in Ford v Ferrari, and the movie was really good. Also, if you like old movies and ever have a chance to see Brief Encounter (1945) with Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard, give it a go. It is a small perfect movie.

I’m on waitlist for this book at the library. When in Europe, Amy tells Laurie “I loved you all my life”. I don’t recall that line from the book. Laurie looked at her with new eyes.

I just saw little women too! and I liked it. My friend has never made it through the book, so it was her first experience and she liked the storyline. I liked Amy; and appreciate how they cast her a normal size girl - not super svelte as most girls in movies. Amy’s character reminds me so much of my own daughter - the youngest of 4 who HOLDS Her own! What I can’t remember was if Jo put that letter to Laurie in the mailbox in the book. Anyone remember that?

@Moniker8 Brief Encounter is a favorite of mine!

I wanted to see Little Women during the holidays when my four daughters were all at home, but they weren’t interested. I really thought I’d love it–it looked good in all the ads that kept popping up. H went to see it with me a couple weeks ago. I was glad I didn’t take my daughters to it. There were so many things I disliked about it. Hard to follow the out-of-sequence story (if I didn’t already know the story, it would’ve been confusing), imo most of the actors didn’t fit their roles. Parts of the script were really out of place/time, not realistic to the era. It was pretty to look at–that is the only good thing I could say about it. I was so disappointed.

Fwiw, I also like Brief Encounter. I’ve seen it several time on TCM.

Ethan Hawks is underrated in my opinion. The Before trilogy and boyhood are superb.
I really want to like First Reformed and I like it 4/5 through the movie, didn’t like the ending.

We saw Knives Out last night. It was really fun!!! It is murder mystery with comedy and great twists and turns. Great cast!!! DH and I loved it!!!

Agree. He was excellent in Maudie as well.

Yes, he is very good in Maudie, yet Sally Hawkins is so so good! I really like her too, Happy-go-lucky, shape of water, blue jasmine, so talented.