Seen any good movies lately?

I saw “Once Upon A Time in Hollywood” at home on one of my streaming channels last night. I enjoyed the retro vibe of Los Angeles in the 60’s. I liked the old TV show clips and the radio commercial clips. Remember the perfume “Heaven Scent?” Brad Pitt was very good in it. I liked that it was a send up of that era.

I enjoyed seeing Corriganville dressed up to be the Spann Ranch. I also liked spotting the ‘mistakes’. Brad Pitt picks up one of the Manson girls on ‘Burbank Boulevard’ headed to Chatsworth. But he gets on the Hollywood Freeway at the Hollywood Boulevard entrance ramp. I suppose only someone familiar with the city would notice.

But the story was weak. There were totally unnecessary scenes that didn’t flow. However, overall interesting. I do feel sorry for the families of the people in the real story. I felt the ending made light of a terrible tragedy. One shouldn’t make a comedy out of a true story murder.

@TatinG at least one family was ok with it, it seems. Sharon Tate’s family gave their blessing and even loaned her Sharon’s real jewelry to wear in the film.

Spoiler alert? I expect not all have seen this movie yet…

@Mwfan1921 I didn’t think that was spoiler-ish but I did go back and change it. Now it’s just there in your response. Sorry.

I was traumatized by the Talented Mr. Ripley 25 years ago and I felt the same way coming out of Parasite this past weekend. Doesn’t mean that the movies weren’t great (parasite flirts with greatness in scene after scene) but I’m not sure if I would choose to watch it again.

Interesting. I also felt the same way about Talented Mr Ripley…but haven’t seen Parasite yet…maybe will watch when it’s available at home, so I can turn it off if necessary!

Separately, I am still haunted by the beginning scene of Cliffhanger, of all things. Still have pretty intense nightmares about that one. And I can watch Pulp Fiction again and again with no problem. Strange how our minds work.

I’m not sure leaving early helps! When we were young my parents took us to “The Day of the Triffids” not realizing it was a horror film. They took us home in the middle and I could not stop thinking about it. I think if I’d seen the resolution, I might have been better off!

Saw 2 this week.

Parasite - Very interesting and unusual, unique movie. Super glad I watched it.

1917 - Just WOW! Saw it on IMAX and glad I splurged on the extra $6. This movie deserves some Oscar wins. The cinematography and attention to details was spectacular. I’m puzzled by how they pulled the single camera one shot thing off. It kind of reminded me of watching/playing a video game but a really, really good and realistic one because of the way it was filmed. I really got invested in the film so much that I was telling the characters to be quiet (theater was empty so… :slight_smile: ). It’s hard to find fault with this film. Two enthusiastic thumbs up!

@doschicos I clicked agree because, while I haven’t seen Parasite yet - but will soon - most of your post is about 1917 and I agree with what you said. Just a phenomenal film! A few links - hopefully CC will let me post them - that you may enjoy. the LA Times one may be behind a paywall but they let you read a few free articles a month: and this ‘featurette’ is really interesting:

I recently saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and enjoyed the movie - I thought it was good, very will made, and especially enjoyed and appreciated how they recreated that time period. Some extras on the DVD explained how they redid the entire street and there was a lot of fascinating info about the vehicles used in the movie. But I also was bothered by the “Once Upon a Time Hollywood” ending. (I think) I get it, a typical Hollywood ending is where the good guys win and defeat the bad guys, but having lived through the actual event, it just bothered me. It doesn’t, and didn’t work out that way in real life.

Thanks for the links, @CAtransplant. I’ve used up all my LA Times freebies reading up on the coronavirus but once the new month starts I’ll make sure to read that one and will dive into the other now.

@CAtransplant Thanks so much for sharing that Youtube video. Makes me even more impressed with the cast & crew and all the work entailed. It really is a cross between a movie and a play.

To those who haven’t seen 1917 yet, I recommend you go see it and don’t watch the Youtube video until afterward, but definitely watch it.

Thanks for the link to the video, @CAtransplant - that was amazing. It makes me want to see “1917” again!

you’re most welcome @doschicos and @scout59 - glad you enjoyed!

I saw 1917 this morning - agree with my son who said I needed to see it in the theater. Very well done, great cinematography, good acting. The experience of feeling you were there with the main characters was well captured by that long shot method. I did find myself watching for total darkness or a full second shot of landscape, trying to guess where they may have started a new shot.

I went to see 1917 last night as I didn’t want to miss seeing it on the big screen. It was very good. The acting was far better than I expected it to be, and I, like @psychmomma, looked for places an edit could fit. I thought the sound editing was incredible.

Only have The Irishman left of the Best Film nominations.

Still think JoJo Rabbit was my favorite film of the 2019 year.

@JustaMom The Irishman is easy to knock off the list via Netflix. That’s my game plan today.

@doschicos - that’s my plan too - Netflix to the rescue!

Saw Parasite last night - I think my reaction was like @doschicos - very interesting and unusual movie and glad I saw it. Took some surprising turns I didn’t expect. Still haven’t seen The Irishman, FvF or Little Women of the best picture nominees.

Join the Netflix watch party of The Irishman, @CAtransplant then you, @JustaMom and I can compare notes. :slight_smile: