Seen any good movies lately?

@doschicos perhaps I will - believe it or not, we let our Netflix subscription go a while ago as we weren’t seeing that many things showing that we wanted to see but we keep thinking we’ll pick it up again soon when there is something we really want to see on it. Trying to save money and have to pick up Starz again soon since Outlander is coming back :smile: (sorry, I know this is a movie thread and Outlander is a tv series!)

Ok, I slogged through the Irishman yesterday, all 3.5 hours. I found the length pretty indulgent. It needed some good editing. I thought the film overall was pretty meh, and I like mob movies overall. So much of the script could have been reworked to shorten the length and I think it would have made for a stronger movie. As it was, it is ponderous at times and I found it jumped around a lot which didn’t benefit the arc of the story and the flow.

I don’t get all the hype surrounding this film other than it being produced, directed and performed by Hollywood royalty. Pesci was pretty good but DeNiro and Pacino didn’t bring anything new and interesting to their roles, IMO - I felt like I was just watching DeNiro and Pacino, not the characters they were playing, not a lot of nuance.

The film covered many decades of time and it just wasn’t convincing to have these old actors playing people who were supposed to be 40ish. The heavy makeup/facial effects looked so stiff. There was one scene between action scene DeNiro and a grocer and I found it so unconvincing and poorly crafted. DeNiro was moving like an old man not the younger guy he was portraying.

Not my idea of an Oscar worthy picture.

I wasn’t that excited to see it and now I really don’t want to so thanks @doschicos for saving me the 3.5 hours!

@CAtransplant At least I watched at home for free. Save you time.

We watched The Irishman a bit ago and I am still floored by the accolades. What other director could possibly get away with 90 second shots of a road and a car? And call it cinema? I thought it was incredibly dull and boring. Self-indulgent indeed, and I like lots of Scorcese’s work.

We liked The Farewell, it’s not as sad as you expect. Watched Parasite last night and loved, loved, loved it. Defies genre, description, and is beautiful besides. Very impressed.

But then Speed was on TV, so I watched that too :slight_smile:

We saw 1917 last week. We loved it. I don’t know how they did the camera work, but it was a fabulous movie. I hope it wins big at the Oscars.

@silverlady loved it too - I posted this a few days ago but in case you missed it, you might enjoy this “featurette” that shows some about how they filmed it!

We watched Groundhog Day (many rewatching!) today, what a sweet movie! ?

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@CAtransplant - I’ll try and give The Irishman a go, for free, at home, but I also think you may have saved me from 3.5 hours I could be doing more enjoyable things!

“Sam Mendes war epic 1917 wins big at Baftas, takes pole position for the Oscars
Film scooped seven of the nine prizes it was nominated for at Britain’s top film awards”

Glad about this outstanding movie doing so well. It’ll become a classic film that many will study in the decades ahead, IMO. Goose egg for The Irishman.

oh don’t thank me, it’s @doschicos who saved us both! I’ve not seen it

Saw The Joker today as my Regal was showing it as part of the Oscars Best Picture nominations. It was much better than I had expected it to be. While there was some rather graphic violence in it, that was definitely not the focus and it wasn’t overly done. Also saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood but wasn’t a huge fan.

I still haven’t seen 1917 but I’m hoping to catch it this week.

On my quest to watch all the Best Picture nominees, I just watched Joker. I liked it more than I thought I would. Definitely not a film for everyone - dark and violent. Original, intelligent script for a super villain movie. Very atmospheric. The most important feature of the movie is the vehicle it serves for an amazing performance by Joaquin Phoenix. His character is chilling and creepy while being oddly sympathetic. I wouldn’t give the film the Best Picture nod but do think Phoenix is deserving of a Best Actor award. Yet another wonderful performance to add to his already stellar body of work.

I read an article about all the weight he lost - 52 pounds in just a few months - to prepare for the role and how it affected his mental health.

Just watched parasite. wow. what can you say to that. I feel almost shaky after watching it. I hope it wins something.

I think it’s a shoe-in for best international film.

@doschicos Funny you used the work slog for The Irishman, we watched The Joker finally and I said when it was over “what a depressing, overrated slog”. Violent, dark, made me sad. I like Joaquin but I’m hoping for an Adam Driver upset! We’ve seen 5 of the best movie noms and Irishman, Once Upon Time Hollywood, three disappointing movies. Wish we could see 1917, Parasite and JoJo Rabbit before Sunday. Ford vs. Ferrari was very good and Marriage Story my favorite.

@3sonsmom You can rent Parasite online for $4.99 so that would be an easier one to knock off the list.

I still need to watch JoJo Rabbit, Ford v Ferrari and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.

@doschicos Once Upon a Time feels almost as long as The Irishman! We got Once and Joker from the library, they have a great selection. Ford Ferrari was a very good theater movie for sound/cars. I thought Parasite DVD release was soon, I’ll keep an eye for it.

I’m late to it, but I finally saw Waves this weekend. Boy was it filled with riveting performances! I can’t believe there wasn’t a single acting nod for the whole cast.

Finally got around to watching Ford v Ferrari tonight. Very solid and entertaining film. I thought Christian Bale was super. I did find myself getting invested in the characters. Not my personal pick for Best Picture but in the top half of the nominees and I do recommend seeing it.