Seen any good movies lately?

Watched Jojo rabbit this evening. It’s a lot to take it, but I think I’m glad I watched it.

Saw Yesterday a few nights ago. It was just okay for me. Glad I got the DVD from the library and didn’t spend money seeing it in the theater.

I’ve watched two older, low budget horror (I guess?) films recently; Triangle and Coherence. Both have similarities in underlying ideas and both have interesting plots with solid acting by mostly unknown actors. Triangle is a fair bit more violent than Cohesion, but both made for lively post-viewing conversation, which I love.

I watched The Jane Austen Book Club last night—available on Amazon Prime. I was surprised that I hadn’t ever heard of it because I am an Austen fan. The movie came out in 2007. I loved the book club members and their discussions of various Austen books (the club formed to read/discuss Austen’s novels). Often, the ongoing experiences of the members were similar to events in the Austen novels. The storyline was a little syrupy, but it was funny and a pleasant escape.

We saw Parasite yesterday and thought it was well done with a surprising twist that takes the movie to a different direction. But I confess, if I did not read the director’s interviews about the class distinction in Korean society, I would have missed much of the movie undertone.

We saw Little Women (I still dislike Amy), Ford vs Ferrari, both were entertaining but not groundbreaking. So I guess Parasite is the best so far.

I have no desire to see Joker or Once Upon A Time. After one Tarantino years ago, I vowed never to see any of his movies again.

Also, bought stuff for Ramdon (those who watch Parasite will get the reference). Will report back how that turns out!

Haha @ccreader ! I read that “Ramdon” was a made up word, a combo of “udon” and “ramen.” There wasn’t a good Korean to English translation for the actual korean dish, so they made up a word that would sound somewhat recognizable to English speakers.

I’ve seen all of Bong’s full-length films except for the very first one that he directed, “Barking Dogs Never Bite.” Given his recent publicity, I decided to return to watch some of his films again. His “Mother” and “Memories of Murder” are still my favorites while “The Host” is entertaining but evidencing a bit too much Hollywood influence. I don’t much care for the rest of his films, such as “Okja,” “Snowpiercer,” and even “Parasite.” I’ve watched hundreds of Korean films in my life time growing up in South Korea and post-immigration years in the U.S., and there are many of these that I’d rate higher than Bong’s. It’s my personal opinion that Bong’s “Parasite” came at the right time in the right political environment with all the right buttons pressed just right. His success story is like reading a sample out of Malcolm Gladwell’s book, “Outliers: the Story of Success.”

I’m not complaining, though. I’m glad that thanks to whatever the circumstances that may have led to Bong’s monumental success, now the rest of well deserving Korean films will come to light and much appreciated and enjoyed in a global stage.

We saw Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and the Band, last night. Very interesting if you lived through that era and enjoyed their music.

We saw “The Farewell” on Amazon last night, due to good reviews and high viewer ratings. We laughed pretty hard at times, because several characters remind us of a few of my wife’s relatives and without giving it away, a lot of the east vs west stuff really strike a chord.

On Sunday, I was cleaning our library, and I came across a box with kiddo’s favorite DVDs - Studio Ghibli movies. Grabbed one, and we enjoyed it again! Spirited Away. So magical.

@milgymfam Oh I love “Coherence”!!
I usually don’t read the same books or watch the same movies twice, but I watched it maybe three times. I really really like this movie!

You might also enjoy “The Invitation” (2015)

and “The One I Love” (2014)

and “Circle” (2015)

By they way, has anyone seen the movie “Primer” (2004)? It is a time travel thriller made by a mathematics major. He deliberately didn’t simplify the terms and concepts for the audience.

It was made with the budget of $7,000. The story is very well made but I had to watch twice to kind of starting to understand it.

The concept was very complicated for me but I enjoyed the challenge and it was amazing that you can make this quality movie with just $7,000.

Ok, one last one.
“Timecrimes” (2007) Spanish time travel thriller.

I really like mind-bending movies!!

Loved “Primer”, have you seen the XKCD cartoon “Movie Narrative Charts” ?

I finally saw “Harriet” last weekend as part of a community racial dialogue group. I found it very powerful, and was especially impressed to learn the amazing Harriet Tubman was only 5 feet tall (my height).

@mathmom Of course you saw it, Mathmom! “Movie Narrative Charts” is funny!
I like 12 angry men.

@college_query. I thought “Harriet” was amazing. So much I just didn’t know or remember. I am proposing a talk with my synagogue and a black church we partner some projects with. I think the comparison to Moses is really interesting and having a talk presenting both sides would show how similar we all are. The movie /acting really moved me.

DH and I saw Invisible Man last nite.

Tense. Lots of foreboding music. Some gore. All in all well done and I don’t love scary or horror type movies. Thought Elisabeth Moss was very good.

DH did say “Movies that make you tense should be limited to 90 minutes max”. This one was around 2 hours…which is a long time to have an elevated heart rate and tense muscles!