Seen any good movies lately?

We watched Enola Holmes and Life Itself this weekend and liked them both.

another positive for Enola Holmes.

I watched “Dick Johnson is Dead” on Netflix last night.

It’s a quirky artistic documentary. I like quirky. I cried quite a bit too — thinking about our last years.

Tagging @psychmomma & @doschicos - to give them a heads up about Shalom Bollywood, on Amazon Prime. A documentary about the small Jewish population in India where the women (specifically) took film roles when Hindu and Islamic women were forbidden to appear in films (this remains true today in the Islamic community). The subject was really interesting, although the way it was shared a little cheesy. Either way, I had reviewed it (minorly) above, a few days ago, and today realized I would have liked to tag you both. Happy viewing!

Thanks, @JustaMom! I’ll check it out.

Don’t remember if I read the recommendation on this thread, but H and I watched Don’t Worry He Can’t Get Far On Foot last night and enjoyed it very much. Another example of Joaquin Phoenix’s talent.

@taverngirl - huge (HUGE) John Callahan fan here. His book (same title) is a good read, and his cartoons a riot…on the scale of twisted Far Side.

I watched the new Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat) movie last night. It wasn’t nearly as good as I had hoped (I really thought the first one was a riot!)…maybe because nothing is as outrageous as the real stuff going on. Anyway, sorry, it was disappointing.

Tonight I’ll watch the new Bill Murray film, On the Rocks.

I disagree about the new Borat movie. We loved, loved it. It had more heart but it worked well with that, it still had some “gets” and some over-the-top laughs, but it also featured possibly the kindest human I’ve seen on film.

Saw “cloudy with a chance of meatballs.” It was ok but not one I’d see again.

We watched “The Way I See It”, the documentary about Pete Souza. It was excellent - he really has an amazing eye to capture candid shots that say so much. I did not expect it to be as emotional as it was.

I watched “The Way I See It” twice since I loved it so much. It was very emotional especially the part about Sandy Hook.

Am not usually a big fan of SBC’s humor, but do plan to watch Borat 2.

On Netflix I just watched “The center will not hold,” a 2017 documentary about Joan Didion by her husband’s nephew Griffin Dunne (son of Dominick Dunne). Wow - she is really old now and so very strange. I had heard of her but wasn’t familiar with her long important career as a writer. I remember how her husband died suddenly while her daughter was near death as well.

She wrote The Year of Magical Thinking about dealing with her husband’s death. Unfortunately, her daughter died a couple of years later, and she wrote about that in Blue Nights. I read Slouching Toward Bethlehem and A Book of Common Prayer in college but nothing after until both books about the deaths. I found each to be powerful reads about terrible loss. Theirs was not a conventional family or life, so not surprised that she comes across as a bit strange.

For comedy with many laugh- out-loud moments, do watch “My Spy” (Amazon Prime).

If you want to get a flavor of the fun movie (kid trying to learn from the spy she has realized is watching her family)… watch the trailer instead of the first few minutes of the movie.

We binge-watched “The Vow”, a nine-part documentary series about NXIVM, an organization that was supposedly providing self-improvement training for professionals. It was both fascinating and depressing to see how talented intelligent people could be led to abandon their successful lives to devote themselves to this organization. Watching it might help immunize people against some of the psychological tactics the organization used to destroy confidence under the guise of building it.

Watched “On the Rocks” with Bill Murray and Rashida Jones last night. It was a very slow, small movie, and I mean that in a positive way; it was not action-packed or highly produced. Reminded me a bit of Lost in Translation (also by Sofia Coppola) or a bit of Woody Allen.

Bill Murray is a better actor than he gets credit for.

Watched On the Rocks last night. Wonderful film. Just a nice quiet film with understated acting and story. I have said for quite some time that Bill Murray is one of the best actors out there…he doesn’t “act” he just “is” - Loved the film!

@BunnyBlue - agree wholly about The Vow.

We watched Hitchcock’s North by Northwest last night. We enjoyed it and learned the origin of Blacklist’s Mr Kaplan name

We also went to the theater this week. Nightmare Before Christmas is one of H’s all time top 5 movies and it holds a special place in our relationship. And H is a huge movie buff. I’ve been hesitant to go since they opened. But they are only open the weekends and Tuesdays. They mostly play old movies for $5. So when it came to town, I said we could try Tuesday. You now pick your seats at the register and see who else is there. There was a family of 4 in the back and us in the front section. I sit in a much smaller room for 8 hours with 10 unmasked people every day. This definitely felt less risky than that. And we enjoyed seeing it on the big screen again.

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