Seen any good movies lately?

We went to a drive-in movie for the first time in a million years. The local movie theater folks at our vacation place built a drive-in movie just outside of town. All of the films are oldies. We saw the 1988 version of Hairspray with Divine and a cameo by John Waters. My daughter and I saw the Broadway show and thought this movie was better than the 2007 movie, which was based on the Broadway show. Going to see Scream on Halloween.

Last night we watched “The Forty-Year-Old Version” on Netflix and really enjoyed it.

I also really enjoyed On the Rocks. I was so impressed with Bill Murray. It was a beautiful film.

We also enjoyed the new Borat movie. I actually wasn’t the biggest fan of the first one – there were some parts I thought were funny, but I couldn’t sit through the whole thing. I personally thought the second one was better. I did love the babysitter, too, @milgymfam !

@milgymfam & @amsunshine - I would say the babysitter (in the new Borat film) is a hero! She made me cheer internally and gave me hope.

While I adored the babysitter, I was referring to Judith- who displayed more humanity that I thought was even possible these days.

We’re on a bit of a rom-com kick. Saw Failure to Launch which was cute. Matthew McConaughey was a lot more fun in this movie than in The Gentlemen. (Which has Hugh Grant playing against type.) Also saw The Proposal with Sandra Bullock. I wanted to like it more, but she’s so convincing as the evil boss, it’s hard to believe she’ll be able to turn herself into something more likable longterm.

Just saw free movie of play, “Death of a Salesman.” It was really dark & heavy and probably not the best choice for me at this time. It was very well done though, and I can see why the cast won awards.

“The Queen’s Gambit” (7 episode mini series) is really good. About a chess prodigy.

Did anybody else see the documentary that recently aired on PBS stations, “Driving While Black: Race, Space, and Mobility in America”. Looks like you can still view it online through 11/10:

The film explores the impact, both good and bad, that the automobile has had on African Americans. It was eye-opening and I highly recommend it.

My chess playing son recommended this the other day. I’m not a binge watcher, but I ended up doing just that. Still, my all time favorite chess movie is “Searching for Bobby Fischer,” perhaps because I can relate to the movie on a personal level being in so many chess tournaments that my son had participated in as a young kid.

She was amazing, as well! I totally agree.

Like @JazzyTXMom, I highly recommend PBS’s “Driving While Black: Race, Space, and Mobility in America.”

@TiggerDad I loved Searching for Bobby Fisher for much the same reason - though my oldest did not actually get that far in the chess world. He got into chess and computer programming about the same time and computer programming won. I thought the book was even better, all those issues about what you do with a child prodigy - are you pushing? Or are you being pulled? Are you doing too little or too much?

So my question is, is the main character like a queen gambit? Is she deceptive? Does she take advantage of your relationships? I haven’t seen it yet but also had a chess tournament kid.

The main characters in “Searching for Bobby Fischer” and “The Queen’s Gambit” are entirely different except for one common characteristic they both share: child prodigies. “Searching for Bobby Fischer” is based on the real life of Joshua Waitzkin whereas “The Queen’s Gambit” is based on the fictional novel written by Walter Tevis.

I’m not clear on your questions here.

I understand the two movies. Does the main character behave like a gambit in Chess or is it just a good name for a movie?

Kudos to Queens Gambit worth watching good escape

Just read this morning Pandofini actually helped author, Walter Tevis, with the title Queens Gambit

I finished watching the entire series. Beth Harmon, is a phenom, damaged, but strong, similar to this description —-

It’s a good series for non chess players, as well as avid chess fans.
Plenty of drama, colorful characters, and well paced. Kudos to the director and especially the set and fashion designers who created 1950-60s

Interesting review of The Queen’s Gambit . It sounds like Kasparov approves of the chess layouts and that both he and Pandolfini advised on the chess games showed.