Seen any good movies lately?

Does the wolf die in Dances with Wolves? I didn’t finish it because I was too busy crying a river when the guys were shooting the wolf…

The Pianist was also really good. Talks about a Jewish Pianist living in the Warsaw Ghetto during WW2. Some of the scenes were extremely overwhelming and I found myself bawling my eyes out a lot.

In Feb 2020 (just before we went into lock down) my best friend and I rented a house for a week in Pahoa, Hawaii (Big Island) - on the second day we met the owner and my friend ended up having tea with her and spent an afternoon talking story (I had gone off for a bike/hike of the latest volcano activity - 2018) - when I came back my friend was telling me I had missed the very best afternoon…our landlady was an original Hidden Figure! After she retired from NASA (1975) she was recruited by the HI government on Big Island to do some work, which led her to buying this sweet little house that we were renting. I would have to say, that while my bike/hike was amazing, I truly would have loved that afternoon my friend had!


Yes, the whole end of the movie is very sad.

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Loved Hidden Figures - and what an amazing story, Justamom!
I also liked Ford vs. Ferrari (Matt Damon always a fav).

Would love some ‘heartwarming’ movie recs if anyone has a few! I have such a low tolerance for scary, gory, CGI-reliant, uber violent or sad (& also no patience for prosaic acting and poor script-writing). But love the intelligent and thoughtful recs here!


Oh… the list is so long

Far and Away (Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman): Two Irish immigrants from two completely different lifestyles find themselves in America for the first time.

Rainman (Tom Cruise, Dustin Hoffman): An autistic man is manipulated by a failing businessman but they soon become friends and equals

I will find some more from the depths of my brain later…

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Miss Sloan-( netflix) demanded my full attention, quick moving, complicated timeline, and had to google how it ended,” Sorkin- like” rapid fire dialog.

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Two of my favorites have always been “LA Story” (Steve Martin) and “The Family Man” (Nic Cage and Tea Leoni).

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oooh, how could I have forgotten

Pretty Woman (Richard Gere and Julia Roberts): A prostitute stays with a wealthy businessman while he is trying to execute a large deal. Soon, they both begin to discover what love truly is…


You do an excellent job of summarizing movies in 20 words (more or less)!


Thank you! I try to do my best. The Pretty Woman summary was slightly cheesy but hey, it’s kind of a cheesy movie


The “p-word” is allowed on CC, @AllGoodNamesRGone. :wink:

oh really? Didn’t want to get suspended in my second week on CC :joy:


I don’t believe “prostitute” is a banned word anywhere. It’s a description. Unless it is being used to defame someone who is not in the trade or undermine someone who prefers to be called a sex worker, it’s just a job title.


Ok. I was just taking a precaution just in case… Thank you for clarifying!

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Loved Far and Away and Rainman.

Our favorite for the past few years is About Time.


Love, love, love About Time. Love the story, love the acting, love Bill Nighy. Thanks for reminding me, @psychmomma. I just may have to watch it again very soon.

Also, sad, but one of my all-time favorites is Life is Beautiful – a father tries, to the best of his ability, to shield his son from the atrocities of their life in a concentration camp.


Rainman is absolutely amazing. Made me truly appreciate Dustin Hoffman. He did a great job portraying a Special Needs adult.


Also loved Indecent Proposal with Demi Moore and Robert Redford

Synopsis: A perfect couple that is tight on money has their seemingly unbreakable connection tested when a multimillionaire offers 1 million dollars for one night with the wife.

Very heartwarming with an amazing end…

Another one that does not rank as high but is pretty good is The Last Castle (Robert Redford)

Synopsis: When a former war hero is sent to military prison for disobeying orders, he rallies the men into an army to fight back against a tyrannical prison warden who has been ruling with an iron fist.


Watched “The Green Book” with S19 a couple of months ago. Fantastic movie!

Plus our son is half-American but doesn’t live in the US and hasn’t studied much American history, so it was a great movie and a learning experience as well.