Seen any good movies lately?

Thanks, all!! Great suggestions!! I have never seen Rainman, Indecent Proposal, the Green Book, and a few others. Glad to have these suggestions!

I did see About Time and loved, loved it too. Richard Curtis is a fav; Love Actually is one of those movies I watch every year. Hearwarming for sure.


There may not be many Disney+ subscribers here, but this Pixar movie is also available on Blu-ray now: Soul. There’s a great cast, but the real draw for me was Jon Batiste. I love to hear him play the piano.


A serious but worthwhile film, true story set in Warsaw during WW2 - The Zookeeper’s Wife (Netflix)

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Saw Mank a couple weeks ago about screenwriter Herman Mankiewicz and the making of Citizen Kane. Seems like lots of liberty taken with some of the facts but the movie was engrossing a film buff life me.


A similar movie is Defiance, starring Liev Schreiber. Brothers kept a bunch of Jewish people alive in a Polish forest during WWII. There are tens of thousands of people alive in the world today because their ancestors were saved by Schreiber’s character.

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Recommend, Amazon prime “Pink, I know this much so far”
Impressive mother, singer, gymnast , rock and roll star. I didn’t know much about her, very impressive woman/ mother


We watched the Green Zone yesterday with Matt Damon. I loved it but the parents…umm.

It talks about a US Army Officer and the trials he faces when he uncovers a dirty conspiracy during the Iraq War. LOTS of action.

“Monument Men,” is an amazing true story of a group of unarmed men who helped save invaluable artwork toward the end of WW2 against dangerous and tremendous odds. It was very well done.


I watched it last months. Never knew the history until I watched the movie. So spent some time digging the real story online.

I generally don’t care for CGI-heavy comic book type movies, but watched Ant Man with D and hub - really quite good! As always, having skillful actors can elevate the material and this had the great Michael Douglas and the warm and relatable Paul Rudd. :slight_smile:


Finally got around to watching the Will Ferrell Eurovision movie on Netflix. Harmless, silly movie, could have been about 30 minutes shorter, but OK. Since we’ve been to Iceland, seeing the locations brought back memories.


I loved Eurovision. The song Husavik My Hometown was great and I think should have won the Oscar. We stayed in Husavik on our trip to Iceland and loved all the Iceland scenery in the movie.

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As for horror, we just watched I See You. Absolutely AWESOME! I am not crazy about blood and guts horror and this movie was right up my alley. Had some amazing twists and an actually realistic plot.

Synopsis: After a seemingly perfect community is marred by another kidnapped child, a seemingly perfect family is haunted by life-altering, sanity-questioning events right in their own home.

This movie really questions how you think about people and how you judge them by first impressions. Remember, people are not always good just because they are an influential member of society. It takes knowing who they are in their most personal space to truly formulate a correct opinion. This movie was shocking, exhilarating, and…terrifying. Highly recommend. AND IT IS ON PRIME :partying_face:


Watched on Netflix ‘the woman in the window’ as I had read the book last year. H did not like it. I felt they really could have done a better job. If I had not read it, it would have not made sense. The NYT review was accurately negative.

I saw Cruella last night and the Emmas—Stone and Thompson—were fabulous, as always. But the star of the show, for me, was the fashion and music.


I rented Nomadland last night. $5.99 on Amazon Prime. As far as I could tell Frances McDormand and David Strathairn were the only professional actors in the movie and honestly, I couldn’t tell the difference. It was not really apparent until the credits rolled.

The plot is a bit different from the real life of the main character in the book. In the movie Fern’s van life starts because a plant and then a town shut down. In the book (non-fiction) the main character’s troubles began due to drug use. (Not sympathetic enough for Hollywood, I suppose).

And like so many living on our streets in RVs, Fern is offered two homes to live in and refuses.

So a movie to contemplate the current homeless crisis. It is well crafted and interesting.


Just finished In the Heights and I really enjoyed it. LMM is a genius and I will need to watch again for both music and dancing. I signed up for HBO Max at the end of the week and probably should be embarrassed to admit that I have spent the last 3 days binging Mare of Easttown and then watched In the Heights tonight, but it’s been ridiculously hot here and I think it was a good investment. :wink:


Wow I can’t think of two more different films depicting a small group of interconnected, “ordinary”* people. :slight_smile:

*Imean this in a “non celebrity” “just like us” way

The Big Lebowski is now on Netflix. I’m not sure where I was in 1998 but I missed this one. Apparently a cult classic by Coen brothers. H & I found it quite funny. I normally don’t like John Goodman but he was excellent. I’m sure I have heard quoted lines from this movie IRL and it went right over my head.


I very much enjoyed In the Heights although I saw the musical in the West End in 2016 and thought it was better. The dance staging in the film was, for lack of a better word, imprecise (the club scene and subsequent “blackout” scene were way more effective onstage). I will avoid commentary on the current controversy re AfroLatino representation but the film’s subplot re illegal immigration did not figure in the original because the vast majority of the characters in the stage musical were Puerto Rican (US citizens). However, I loved the “pool scene,” the wonderful “dancing on the side of the building” scene with Nina and Benny, reminiscent of old Hollywood musicals, the staging of Paciencia y Fe in the metaphysical subway of life (if you see it you’ll know what I mean). Someone described this movie as Bollywood in NYC and I thought yes, it’s fun, visually fulfilling, and life-affirming.