Seen any good movies lately?

Just finished 9 episodes of Squid Game. Very impressive.

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We enjoyed “Driveways” a lot. Lucas Jaye is a fantastic kid actor. Doesn’t over act like most kids. Agree with the 99% Rotten Tomatoes reviews on this movie.

Went to see No Time to Die over the weekend as H is a big James Bond fan. It was our first time in a movie theatre since the start of the pandemic. We enjoyed the movie and there were not too many people around us.

Our only complaint was when we left the theatre. So may sodas and popcorn boxes just left on the floor. There is a trash can outside every theatre at our AMC and we couldn’t believe how rude people are.


Tonight we enjoyed Philomena on Netflix. Mostly a slow paced drama/mystery with a bit of humor in the dialog sometimes. Judi Dench was great.


YES—great movie. Went in directions (HIV) we did not expect. Before this, we only knew Steve Coogan as Octavius in the Night at the Museum movies! Ireland stole our hearts after our visit 4 years ago, and this was a little bit heartbreaking. Also surprised to learn it was based on a true story.

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If considering Philomena, you can watch this trailer. There are some minor spoilers … stop around 1:40 to avoid the biggest ones - Philomena Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Judi Dench, Steve Coogan Movie HD - YouTube

So nice to see so many posts on this thread! Question for y’all: do you rely on critic’s reviews when deciding whether or not to see a movie and if so, which critic do you rely on? I was thinking of seeing “The Last Duel” but I couldn’t find a single reviewer on IMdB that I was familiar with. If anyone’s seen it, please let me know what you thought.

I generally tend to agree with the film critics writing for our local paper, but not always! :slight_smile:

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I check rotten tomatoes first to pick a movie, then google it to see the percentage that how many google users like it.


I too loved the new Bond movie. What a dramatic portrait of an entirely different side of the character as a family man. Brilliant acting.


We enjoyed this “series”, but only 3 episodes to the Agatha Christie mystery so I’ll mention here in Movies. (We watched Episode 1 and then the next night Episodes 2 and 3).

Ordeal By Innocence on Amazon Prime (and I think also Apple). If you liked Downton Abbey, you will probably enjoy this


We finally got to watch the Amazon Prime Cinderella on Sunday. Hey, it was free, so why not! While the movie would not win any awards, it was bubble-gum colorful and enjoyable. And it also offered a much needed refuge from the football heartbreak. :slight_smile: Lots of singing, including classics - from Madonna to White Stripes. The three mice were absolutely hilarious!


Not at all fond of the new Bond movie here. We considered it meh - probably would give it 2 1/2 stars. It had a really good premise to work with coupled with some fun, unexpected scenes (hence getting some stars) and then filled it with a lot of B grade filler in our opinion causing me to look at the time a lot wondering when it would move on. If they had made it shorter and ditched the same old, same old predictable filler stuff it would have been a lot better.

I’d also have picked a better ending.

Any future Bond movies coming out I’ll wait to watch on Netflix.

Hopefully Dune will be much better. Time will tell. We’re not watching it opening week. We had two other couples and a single guy in the theater with us for Bond (7 total including us). That’s my type of crowd, with or without Covid being out there.

Just watched Dune Part 1 on HBO Max on my desktop computer, so I’m sure I didn’t get the full experience. It’s been ages since I read the book. Very good casting and interesting costuming and special effects. The planet looked much better in the movie than on the cover of my paperback! I felt it represented the book (well, first half of the book) nicely but now I want to read it again and see if I remembered it correctly.


Loved the (first) Dune book and am hearing such strong, mixed reviews of the movie! The casting looked great…

I watched Dune and while the cinematography was breathtaking, I felt the screenplay culled so many important details and plot exposition that people unfamiliar with the book/plot may find the story lacking. Seems the director wasn’t interested in including much of the science fiction or political aspects of the book. Overall it was ok, but I was disappointed after being incredibly excited to see it.

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Just saw Dune and loved it. I read the book more than once.

The smartest thing they did was to not cover much of the book. I’m looking forward to part 2!

We saw In the Heights tonight (at home). Meh. I think one needs to be a NYC fan (maybe any city fan) or a homebody to enjoy it thoroughly. For those of us who have relocated a bit and enjoyed it and rural lovers the theme just didn’t hit home at all.

The acting and dancing were good though.

Dark Waters is at the top of our Netflix queue now. Not sure when we’ll get to it. Maybe next weekend.

With Dune I’ve been pondering if I want to wait for Part II to come out, then watch both “together.” I haven’t read the book and fell asleep during the last version. Is this one more interesting? One review I read said this one mainly sets things up, then it ends just as it’s getting interesting. Thoughts from those who have seen it? H is the Dune fan, but I can send him with the kids like I do for Super Hero movies which aren’t my genre. He won’t mind watching it twice if I wait to later.

I like some Sci-Fi (Star Wars - most of them anyway, Star Trek) but didn’t care for Guardians of the Galaxy at all and not a super fan of Dr Who.

We are going to go to media room of my niece’s condo to see Dune in 2 weeks. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone AND the movie. I believe it’s a pretty large screen and believe that’s movie is better on larger screen.

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There’s no guarantee that there will ever be a Dune Part 2 - it hasn’t even been greenlit, let alone started filming. The studio may be waiting to see how Part 1 does at the box office. So it could be a long wait!

I haven’t read the book in likely decades, and my recollection of the 1984 film is that it was weird and confusing. This movie felt considerably more interesting to me, and my vague memories of the plot (augmented by all the publicity) carried me through. But I agree that it didn’t end as smoothly as some other Part 1 movies I’ve seen.

I am a sci-fi/fantasy fan (including the Marvel universe and Doctor Who). The book Dune set many of the concepts and themes of the genre- George Lucas was certainly influenced when doing A New Hope. There are spoilers in this link:

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