Seen any good movies lately?

I saw Dune for free on HBOmax. I haven’t read the book nor did I see the first one. I am generally a fan of this genre. I liked it, but was glad I didn’t pay for it. I thought it was somewhat confusing since I didn’t know the backstory, but not overly so. I could sit back and enjoy the movie even slightly confused. It was sort of slow and yes, nothing really happened until the end. It felt like one big long introduction.


On Netflix, “ Rita Moreno, Just. A girl who decided to Go for it”…….highly recommend

This is a worthwhile documentary about Rita Moreno, an amazing trailblazer and inspiring life story.


H and I have seen all of the versions of Dune and this one was just ok. Both of us were really disappointed that there is not even a Part 2 in the works. Glad we watched on on HBO and didn’t pay anything additional for it.


Not really a movie but a film of a play – saw Come From Away on Apple+ . Really really liked it. Wish I hadn’t passed on seeing it live when it came locally.


Didn’t realize that Come from Away is also a film. The last Broadway show I saw was Come from Away, which i loved. I’d get Apple TV just to watch it. Who’s in the film?

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It’s a live filming of the Broadway show - so it’s the actors/actresses from Broadway


Saw Dune yesterday in an IMAX theater. Can’t say I was blown away or anything. I’d read the book a few years back and remember it being somewhat tedious and hard to follow. I had the same feeling watching the movie. The 1984 version was more entertaining, even though that was hardly a great movie.

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I thought the 1984 movie was horrid. It was just endless. Here’s a review of the new version I agree with: ‎‘Dune’ review by The Great Owl • Letterboxd

Dune part 2 was just greenlit by Legendary Studios.


Thanks for the Ordeal by Innocence suggestion! Very intense and suspenseful. Wow

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Glad you liked it. Did you watch it one episode at a time? Or binge? (We did one episode the first night…. admittedly at first there were a lot of characters that had us a bit confused. Then #2 and #3 on the next night.)


Yes, had to pace that show, very intense, watched the first one, then second and third, back to back! Not only were the characters hard to follow but the chronology was challenging, too. Just such a quality BBC production.

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I saw Dune on HBO Max at a friend’s with a home theater setup and I absolutely LOVED it. I read the book probably more than 35 years ago so don’t remember any of the details and didn’t think it was hard to follow at all. I had really been looking forward to seeing it, and often, that sets me up to be disappointed, but not in this case. Yes, I can understand the disappointment that it is a setup for Part 2, but I think that is appropriate otherwise it would have been too much to cover in one movie. I highly recommend it.


I loved Dune too. I dont know the novels but found the story easy to follow and time flew – I was surprised the film lasted as long as it did, it “felt” well under 2h. The filming must have been a tour de force.


Just finished Dark Waters - it’s a very, very powerful look at what Dupont did with Teflon. Our whole family highly recommends it - though one thing we had to do was use subtitles as one of the first characters speaks with an accent that was difficult for us to follow - and this living with my southern H. I’m really surprised they let that get into the final cut without making it a wee bit easier.

Other than that, all thumbs up here - not a feel good movie, but a “people should really know the true story about this” movie.

We also looked it up afterward to see how much it strayed from the real story since “based upon true stories” often take a lot of liberties. This one did not. It’s pretty infuriating with the content, but all of the content and most of the actors are true.

If I were to go back to school teaching, this one would be in my science “folder” for kids to see on days when movies are appropriate.


I recently watched LuLaRich, the story of LuLaRoe on Amazon Prime. Four episodes that could have been 2, a lot of repetition, but a fascinating business story.

The basic LuLaRoe A-line dresses look great on my daughter so I buy them for her at thrift shops when I see patterns she would like. It was interesting to hear from one if the fabric designers.

We finally got to watch Cruella. OMG, say what you want, but this is one of a few movies I’d buy on Blu-ray. Now I want to visit London. :slight_smile:


I watched LuLaRich - it confirmed every single one of my suspicions about all of these ‘sign up’ sales programs…doTerra, there’s another with haircare products that a friend got into…“it’s only $185 for the kit, and I can use them while making sales” - oy. I can’t believe that even in 2021 people still fall for this crappola.


Cruella was spectacular - (costume designer) D and I braved the movie theater (mid-week, mid-day screening, almost the only ones there) to see it on the big screen, just for the costuming. So good!


Yes, the costumes were outstanding. :+1::+1: