Seen any good movies lately?

Boy did you ever capture the greatness of “Get Back” and the Fab 4. I signed up for Disney + solely to watch “Get Back” and have canceled now that I binged watched all three glorious episodes. I haven’t smiled that much in years!

Peter Jackson should get MASSIVE credit and accolades for this thoroughly brilliant masterpiece of a documentary of a documentary. I saw “Let It Be” as a teenager many years after The Beatles broke up. It was wonderful and very sad. What “Get Back” did was demonstrate that the downer feel of “Let It Be” was very selective and generally not accurate.

“Get Back” showed the lads in all their glory, truly working as a team (all four of them). It seemed like the biggest downer of them all was first filming the movie in a cavernous movie studio in Twickenham starting early in the morning just after New Year’s Day 1969. I think pretty much anyone would have hated that environment, and things really picked up when they moved to their own building and studio in 3 Savile Row in London.

Paul was quite a bit of jerk to George in the early parts, talking down to him and basically ignoring him. What I loved was that when George said he was leaving the band, you could see the shock and sadness in Paul’s face, and the three remaining lads worked hard to make amends to George. George was incredibly sane by demanding they leave Twickenham and go back to Apple in Savile Row. And when Billy Preston come in out of the blue, it was sheer magic upon the magic of The Beatles. I can’t get over how much joy and teamwork there was among the four of them.

Paul jammed to Yoko, Paul’s soon-to-be daughter pretended to be Yoko, and you could see that everyone really cared about each other.

One of the things I had not fully grasped was the incredible lunacy that was the original premise of the movie: the Beatles rehearsing new songs for a show in a Libyan amphitheater, a boat, etc etc. What a brilliantly simple idea it was to do what was their final concert ever on the rooftop of the Apple building.

And yes, seeing Ringo’s All-Starr Band was one of the musical highlights of our family experiences. We even caught a rubber wristband that Sir Ringo threw out to the audience. Very great group and idea (incidentally, Joe Walsh of the James Gang and the Eagles is Ringo’s brother-in-law!)

While it was sad that the Fab Four broke up, I often wonder what more they could have ever done. As Rolling Stone once said, listening to their albums chronologically gives you the clear sense of their growing mastery and their growing up in an almost perfect progression. It’s almost like a sound documentary of four wonderful boys growing up to be four incredibly talented adults who had done everything they set out to do before they even turned 30.


Just do it! The best $7.99 I spent in 2021! There is access to National Geographic, as well as Home Alone and Ernest Saves Xmas (ETA: last two with tongue firmly in cheek).

Although I canceled immediately after watching “Get Back”, I have it for a full month, so I guess the family can watch to their heart’s content for 30 days.


I had Disney+ for a month last summer so I could stream Hamilton. Did that several times and watched something else (The Parent Trap?). Thinking of re-activating so I can watch Get Back. S’s family has it and they will be here for Christmas and can activate app on my television, but don’t want to divert my attention from his family’s visit to watch the Beatles while they are here. I appreciate reading the positive comments here as I will probably re-activate in a week or two when my final grades are posted.


I’m really enjoying Get Back. (My daughter gets Disney Plus & Hulu; I get Netflix – various subscriptions are shared among multiple family members).

I’ve watched 2 or the 3 episodes – it feels magical, like a time machine going back to 1969 and letting me sit in the studio while 28-year-old Beatles compose and rehearse, only they are in my living room.


I concur. It reminded me how much Julia Child was a part of American Culture when I was growing up. I would also recommend India Sweets and Spices. Sort of a South Asian version of Crazy Rich Asians


Because we are belatedly reading The Historian which deals with the Dracula legend my nephew said we should watch What we do in the Shadows a mockumentary about vampires. Since the TV show is based on the original New Zealand movie we figured we’d see the movie first. It’s dumb, but quite funny, and even a little touching, and I have to say the werewolves are hysterical. It’s on Amazon Prime.

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That’s a family favorite!!!

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Husband and I took our chances and paid for a year of Disney Plus. Wow! We are already getting our money’s worth.

We watched the Beatles documentary. It was good but not something that I would want to rewatch.

However… today we stumbled upon The Rescue - the documentary about the nailbiter Thai cave rescue that we have all followed here on CC. It was amazing. Highly recommend it!! :+1::+1:


Was there a as deal on price for a year of Disney+? How much was it, if you don’t mind my asking? Have read if sone who just get it did a month or two.

No deals, it is $80 of you prepay for a year. My husband thought we’d get out $$ out of it… seems like we will!

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Ok. I get it now. Thanks. At think about it.

If you have Xfinity for Internet, you can have The Disney Bundle that includes Disney+, Hulu and ESPN+ with no additional fees.


Any somewhat obscure Christmas movie reccs? Would love to add a new one to our list of usual suspects.

Our obscure Christmas tradition is to watch The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (stop motion from the 80s) every Christmas Eve. I’ve watched it every year since I was little, and I actually have a set of nesting dolls from the movie even. We love it, but it’s definitely not well made by modern standards.


Single All The Way- on Netflix- I rarely cannot finish a movie but this was just so contrived and poorly written for great actors…I finished the movie tonight. It saved itself in the end and I did appreciate that it was actually believable. So thumbs up if you don’t take it too seriously.

NO DIRECTION HOME about Bob Dylan (2005-watched over 2 nights) a Martin Scorsese film on Netflix was great. I can’t help but wonder if Dylan is Asperger-ish which could explain his relationships and answers with the press.

(As I am writing this I noticed that there is another one done by Scorsese on Dylan in 2019 Rolling Thunder Revue. Have not seen that yet.)

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I’m a fan of Benedict Cumberbash and was eagerly awaiting The Power of the Dog on Netflix. It got excellent reviews but H and I didn’t like the movie at all and eventually turned it off. Maybe others felt differently.

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We quote Life and Adventures all year long. Found it when our kids were little and they loved it. It’s campy for us now.

Arthur Christmas is fun. We found that one a few years ago. British animation.

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We watched Jungle Cruise (Disney+) tonight. It was fun, but a little bit too much like Pirates of the Caribbean for my tastes. Still glad we watched it.

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We watched Free Guy last night. I’m not a huge Ryan Reynolds fan, nor a dumb silly movie fan, so I was hesitant in renting it. I’m glad it did. I enjoyed it a lot. Not at all what I was expecting. It was sweet and fun.