Seen any good movies lately?

Last night we watch The Queen and Abdul (Netflix), about Queen Victoria and a Muslim from India who becomes her close confidant. It is based on a book, and movie claims to be “mostly true”. We enjoyed it.


If he turned it off before it was over, he missed the big twist surprise at the end. Made the whole movie worth it!

I watched The Truman show after I watched Free Guy last month. Movie Review: “Free Guy” Transposes “The Truman Show” Onto the Video Game World with Fun Results.

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I completely agree. My husband and I are still talking about the ending. It brought the whole movie together.

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Started to watch Black Widow and turned it off half way through it. With small exceptions of Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman which we both enjoyed, we are definitely not superhero movie fans. :slight_smile:


Half way through? The first 10 minutes of it was enough waste of time for me.


:joy:!!! We were trying to give it a chance… then we ran out of wine… so we looked at each other and agreed that our time would be better spent watching something about space exploration. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the tip. No longer tempted to check out Black Widow.

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Watched Power of the Dog last night with H. Unfortunately H figured it out early…I thought that it was interesting and I learned what the phrase meant. Uncomfortable is how I would describe it, but well acted and written and directed. I see why rotten tomatoes gave it a high score.


I saw the remake of West Side Story on Friday. I think it may be the greatest movie I have ever seen.


I loved West Side Story. :heart_eyes:

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Netflix -Wild Things- watched late at night while a storm here was in full force and couldn’t sleep. Definitely packed with twists.

Last night I ran into the Hugh Jackman London performance of Oklahoma on Amazon Prime. Very nicely done, and boy was he young. It was a bit grittier than the Technicolor movie; also included a couple of songs that were not in the movie. I’d never seen it on stage so it was interesting.

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We are on a National Geographic documentary binging spree! Watched Fauci the other day. Highly recommend.

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I think we have watched Love Actually nearly ten times. It is worth the price of admission just for the jewelry counter scene.


If you liked Love Actually you should see About Time. It is a charming movie with a script from the same writer as Love Actually.


I think I’ll see the new West Side Story and 1961 original back-to-back


I really, really dislike Love Actually- but I thoroughly enjoyed About Time. It’s a lovely film.


About Time is one of our favorites too. We were going to watch Love Actually, but DIL tells us it was one of the films she absolutely hated due to how much unnecessary sex was in it so we took it off our queue. If H and I watch it, it will be after they leave for Puerto Rico, but I don’t know that it’s high on my list because unnecessary sex causes me to dislike a movie too. The scenes in About Time fit the movie well and the movie isn’t all about that.

Different strokes for different folks.


We recently visited D and SIL and watched “King Richard”. Great film and Will Smith was excellent. We all (D, SIL, S, H and Me) all loved it.