Seen any good movies lately?

Saw the Downton Abbey movie. It was humorous, charming, lovely and very enjoyable. It was better than the first movie.


I agree… I liked this Downton movie even better than the first movie. Can wait until I can stream it to see again.
Hopefully, the cast will get to work on another one!!!


Saw Top Gun Maverick last night with H and and our Ds for H’s birthday. We all loved the movie and when we were out to dinner afterwards H said it was the perfect birthday for him.


Just saw Top Gun. It was awesome!


Thanks for the recommendation! We watched it last night and really enjoyed it. DH knew about the incident, but I had never heard of it. Wow!


We are seeing Top Gun tomorrow. We have an old Regal Cinema gift card that has been sitting in a drawer since before the pandemic. Time to use it!

Glad to hear the great reviews!


We also watched Operation Mincemeat (Netflix) last night. I did like it despite nodding off a bit… which I blamed on my marathon gardening day.


Can’t wait to see Top Gun, glad to hear it was great. We’re seeing it on Tuesday with some friends, and trying decide whether we’re too old to show up with our Air Force flight jackets on. We loved the first Top Gun, though our kids always said we ruined it with our mocking comments throughout.


Saw my first movie in a theater for the first time in over 2 years, the new Downton Abbey movie. I also thought it was better than the first movie. It was nice to see it on a big screen and AMC seems to be doing a great job of cleaning the theaters.

A few of the previews looked good, including Mrs. Harris goes to Paris.

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Thank you for the Operation Mincemeat suggestion. H and I watched last night and enjoyed it.

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Seen on Netflix before my subscription lapsed… Metal Lords
Well acted sweet story. I’m not into heavy metal, but I thought it was exceptionally well done, especially for Netflix.

The perfect scenario would be Top Gun Maverick showing in a theater for me and Where the Crawdads Sing in the adjacent theater for my wife. Each of us has NO desire to see the other person’s movie!


We just saw Top Gun. I loved it. Tom Cruise is ageless!


Probably had a lot of work done, but I have never appreciated him as an actor and could never understand why he got so much work. Can’t watch any of his movies.


Today is our 36th wedding anniversary - we were married in 1986. We’d already decided to go see Top Gun tonight. I just looked it up, and the first movie came out in 1986! Wow.


I am not a huge Tom Cruise fan, but have enjoyed his Mission Impossible movies and especially Minority Report. I don’t dislike him as much as I dislike Leonardo DiCaprio - with Leo, I have to say that I liked Inception despite him being it.


We probably need a new thread about actors and who people like or dislike these days. I have enjoyed some Tom Cruise movies, same with Leo, Brad Pitt, Bradley Cooper, etc. Some performances can be underrated because of a dislike of that person. But,they and their filns are still winning awards and bringing in millions!

Top Gun was great.


I’m torn about seeing Top Gun because of the politics of Tom Cruise. I was thinking of this with the Johnny Depp decision, the Weinstein case, etc. I hate to give my money to those I don’t agree with socially or politically, but it seems I’d never get to go to the movies if I eliminate all the movies that people I don’t agree with profit off.

I had a friend who wouldn’t see any movies with animals in them (or at least animals that had to work in the movie, like horses or police dogs). Didn’t leave much for her to see.


I saw Top Gun Maverick yesterday and thought it was so-so. The dialogue and plot devices felt very heavy handed and labored. The dog fights were confusing – hard to tell who they were trying to shoot down. The enemy was undefined which made the conflict less than compelling. The only glimpse we got of the enemy was in the end and they looked like they were in some left over costume from Hallowe’en circa 1984.

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I wouldn’t say Tom Cruise is a bad actor, he just seems overrated. I feel the same about Johnny Depp as well. Nothing to do with their beliefs or politics. I saw the first Top Gun. I feel that it’s an OK movie, entertaining, but not a masterpiece. It’s another one of those overhyped movies, I’d probably feel the same way about the new Top Gun. Maybe save it to watch on an airplane.