Seen any good movies lately?

Top Gun was fantastic, particularly since we saw it on an XD screen. The flying scenes were exceptional. A number of guys from my recently retired workplace flew in them, but I couldn’t see anyone that I recognized. Very little of the cheesy dialogue from the first Top Gun. Whatever one thinks of Tom Cruise’s politics or personality (I know nor care about any of that), he has a fantastic performance and obviously cared a lot about making a quality movie. If you aren’t impressed by the flying and didn’t get chills from the opening scenes showing takeoffs from a carrier, then I don’t know what would impress you.


I agree, what an excellent movie. I think @Classof2015 is the only person I’ve heard not rave about the movie. I’ve found it fascinating that on Facebook people ranging from teenaged boys to grandmothers all really enjoyed it.


@busdriver11 - local stuff!


Isn’t that awesome? The Cascades are so beautiful!


There are plenty of bestselling novels out there, but it doesn’t mean they are great or even good. Same with movies.

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What? Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 97% positive rating from audiences and a 97% rating from critics. That’s one of the best ratings I’ve ever seen on RT. So yes, I would say it’s a great movie.

Here’s one example of a review: “ It’s a triumph of blockbuster filmmaking, a legacy sequel done right, and one of the most exciting things you’ll find at the movies this summer.”


I don’t care for Tom Cruise, but I did love Risky Business and remember enjoying the original Top Gun. Our kid is on an aircraft carrier right now (but not flying planes thank goodness!) I’m not sure if that would make me more or less inclined to see it. :wink:


Oh yes, Risky Business was funny!


Based on the rave reviews we went to see Top Gun today. Theater was 3/4 empty and I had free passes, which made it entertaining enough, but I’m not sure I would have been happy to pay for it. It was a big, fun action movie that was well shot… but it was predicable and the writing was cheesy as heck. Definitely was not my typical choice and I came away thinking it was fine, but overrated.

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And Illini know the famous line from Risky Business:

Bill Rutherford : You’ve done some very solid work here, but it isn’t quite lvy League, is it?
Joel : You know, Bill, there’s one thing I learned in all my years. Sometimes you have to say “What the ****.” Make your move.
Bill Rutherford : I beg your pardon?
Lana : So, how are we doing?
Joel : Looks like University of Illinois!


Last Sunday some friends came over and we planned to have dinner and watch a movie. When it was time for the movie–we couldn’t agree on anything that was on the streaming services. No big disagreements–one couple already saw the movie or someone else hated the lead actor, etc. We subscribe to a service (Kaleidescape) that has lots of old movies and all of us decided it would be fun to watch Mel Brooks’ Blazing Saddles, which came out in 1974. OMG!! Wow–times have changed.


You know, for all the Tom Cruise hate, there are some very decent things about him. You read about someone on social media, and oh how awful, they did X, Y and Z. But then you hear about things that have really happened, like how dedicated he was to making a really good movie, actually being in flying scenes (which ain’t easy) instead of having a stunt double, buying the squadron a popcorn machine, pilots flying with him saying he’s a good guy, and insisting on Val Kilmer being in the movie despite his throat cancer (which is markedly poignant). People are complex and the media focuses on what makes headlines.

If you can actually sit through the flying scenes without a sense of awe and excitement, I’m guessing you’re probably someone who gets irritated when the Blue Angels fly overhead because they’re too loud. If that would bother you, don’t see this movie. :roll_eyes: After the first Top Gun, applications for Naval Aviators went up 500%. I suspect this latest movie will pump up military recruitment quite a bit also.


Funny you should say that. My active duty husband’s first comment upon leaving the theater was that it was a 2+ hour recruiting ad for the navy. Ha. I actually do get annoyed by the blue angels flybys, but thought the flying scenes were the best thing about the movie.


I’m not going to theaters yet but we live close enough to North Island Naval Air Station to periodically hear the jets take off. It’s very exciting when an aircraft carrier is coming or going and the planes are repositioning from their air stations to the carrier deck at sea. We certainly heard them when they were doing the fly by filming at Rosecrans National Cemetery four years ago. The movie is a big deal in San Diego!


I enjoyed the Downton Abbey movie. The 12 or so other women in the theater seemed to have enjoyed it also, even with the sounds from Top Gun coming through the walls. Glad I told H not to bother since he didn’t watch the tv show. I think it’s for fans only.


I started watching Fire Island (Hulu) yesterday. Very gay (male), vulgar, and East Asian. I liked it.


The first Top Gun was a huge recruiting win for the Navy too.

I consider Tom Cruise more of movie producer than actor. Look at all the hugely successful movies or franchises that he produced - Mission Impossible 1-6, The Last Samurai, The Others, Jack Reacher 1 & 2, Top Gun: Maverick, etc. He’s an amazing business man and movie producer. He’s not much of a character actor, but he makes great movies that are a blast to watch.

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Tom Cruise is a “movie star” who can sell a picture. He’s no Olivier but he can command a screen and knows how to produce good movies, work his brand and promote his movies. I’ve liked plenty of his performances. The Scientology stuff I don’t get but it’s a separate issue to me.


Saw Top Gun in the IMAX theatre yesterday with DH and S and we all loved it—the movie hit every nostalgic 80s note! It was classic Tom Cruise all the way.

Downton Abbey was enjoyable too and, I agree with others, better than the first one. The first Downton movie felt heavy-handed, like the writers were cramming all the unresolved storylines from season 6 into it.

I also really loved House of Gucci. It was sentimental and glamorous, but petty and cheap too. I’m old enough to have enjoyed Jeremy Irons’ earlier movies— Damage, M Butterfly, Reversal of Fortune— and think he’s a wonderful actor. He was perfectly cast as snobby Rodolfo Gucci. Driver, Gaga, and Jared Leto were great fun to watch too.