Seen any good movies lately?

These are the movies that will be playing at my neighborhood theater on Thursday night.

  1. Top Gun - Maverick
  2. Downton Abbey - A New Era
  3. Jurassic World Dominion

We have tickets to Top Gun: Maverick tomorrow night. I feel the need… the need for speed! And popcorn.


“Operation Mincemeat”. Netflix.


Just finished watching Hustle on Netflix and really liked it. I actually prefer Adam Sandler movies when they’re serious vs goofy, and I LOVE a good sports movie. They filmed it in Philly, which is home, so I enjoyed that too. A friend of mine said it’s kinda like Rocky meets Jerry Maguire, and I think that fits!


nice piece on NPR tonight about this movie:


I’m generally not a fan of Tom Cruise type movies (action, etc.). But in all the ones I’ve seen, he has that inexplicable quality that some movie actors have - you can’t stop watching them; they are just compelling. I’m not sure it’s even great acting (or perfect bone structure) - it’s just a quality that that’s sort of magnetic. E.g., Julia Roberts, Daniel Craig, James McAvoy.


I think this is one of those movies that if you choose to see it, you already love it. I stand by my comments about the dialogue and plot devices being very heavy handed. I probably expected too much from it. If you’re looking for an action movie, or the sensation of being in a video game, this is the movie for you.

Not gonna be going to see Top Gun 2, but our family would really like to see the Bob’s Burgers Movie. Just haven’t had the time yet.

Quote from Colonel Chris Hadfield on his Facebook page: “As someone who was an F-18 fighter pilot and test pilot, I LOVED Top Gun Maverick!!!”

That’s saying something!


Seeing Jurassic World: Dominion on Monday. Has anyone else seen it yet? I don’t have high hopes (it received a 30% fresh rating on RT), but it’s a family tradition to see the Jurassic Park movies in the theatre.


We saw it; as a family we love Jurassic Park. But…we didn’t love it, at all. It’s very long. It is fun seeing all the cast members and they all do a great job, and we are glad we saw it, but we didn’t like it and were wanting it to be over!

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I bought the new Downton Abbey movie last weekend on ( “early access” for movies still,in theaters) I watched it. And then (by accessing my Amazon prime account ) so did both my kids. My 3 nieces and my mom. We all watched on our own. This means the cost per person was under $4. I have zero interest in ever going to an actual theater.

We went to the movies earlier this week for the first time in likely 3-4 years.

We were pleasantly surprised how much we enjoyed being in a theater, using the reclining seats, and indulging in the buttered popcorn again.

And the movie wasn’t bad: Everything Everywhere All at Once.

Probably less than 30 people on the theater. Have no idea how they can afford to run the place.


We also went to the movies earlier this week for the first time since pre-pandemic. We saw Top Gun, and it was the perfect reintroduction to big screens. I never saw the original Top Gun, but I don’t think that made much difference. Popcorn also tasted better than I remembered. My only mistake was paying for premium seats, thinking that would give us some additional separation from other people. Problem was everyone else seemed to have had the same idea. The premium seats were full, and there were big swathes of empty seats on the sides. Next up is Jurassic Park, from the cheap(er) seats.


I went to the movies again for the first time since the pandemic too. My friend and I were trying to remember what movie we saw just before the shutdown. We figured it was either Knives Out or Little Women. Anyway we saw Downton Abbey which was thoroughly enjoyable.


Saw Aretha. It was very well done but she sure had a lot of challenges and demons. She also had a wonderful grandma and sisters.


My daughter and I watched Petite Maman, streaming. Very short, sweet and thoughtful movie about two eight year old girls (in French). Petite Maman (2021) - IMDb


I believe the new Downton Abbey movie is coming to Peacock next Friday. Since I have access to Peacock via my Comcast/Xfinity use, I will get to see it for free. Looking forward to it!


My younger daughter and I watched Everything Everywhere All at Once a few days ago. I thought parts of it were quite good. While visually interesting, parts of the movie made no sense to me. That being said, my daughter (an actor) loved it. I’m a big fan of family dysfunction as a movie theme and thought the film actors realistically portrayed complex relationships between the husband/wife and mother/daughter.


H and I saw the Downton Abbey movie and we both enjoyed it. I probably liked it more then H, but he did watch a bit of the show with me and he graciously took me to see the first Downton Abbey movie…He was the only guy in the theater.
H saw the new Top Gun movie while I got my hair cut. He said it was pretty good, but it’s certainly not his all time favorite movie.