Seen any good movies lately?

They say that about a lot of movies. Different people have different tastes. If lots of people like it, good for them. I don’t get why people are defending this movie so much. It’s just a movie. I’m sure it’s well done and will make lots of money. I don’t feel the need to go see it, just not my thing.

I was just thinking about that too and I’m pretty sure Little Women was the last movie I saw before the pandemic. I think Knives Out was the second to the last movie I saw before everything shut down. It was good, but kind of odd. It was kind of funny to see Daniel Craig in something other then a James Bond movie. I guess I’d gotten so used to him being James Bond and only being James Bond.

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You should check out Daniel Craig in Logan Lucky.

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I forgot that he was in that. I’ve seen Logan Lucky a couple of times, but it’s been a while…

For anybody who enjoys Project Runway type shows watch “Dior and I” on Amazon Prime. It’s a documentary about Christian Dior house in Paris. Follows the making of the clothes to the runway. Less about the actual designer and more about how things get made and the people who work there.


Your thoughts and experiences echo mine when I watched it. So thank you for putting to words my experience. :blush:

I would never have seen it if s21 didnt push us to see it. (DH and I would have seen Maverick if it was up to us.) But we will do anything (including first movie in 2-3 years!) to spend more time and connect with him while he is here for such a short time.


I just started watching The Tender Bar (Amazon Prime). It happens that I recently finished the memoir that it’s based on, and it’s been hard for me to bridge the the mental pictures (not just physical, but character as well) I had formed in my mind from the book vs what’s in the film. I can report again if I get through it.

We just saw the new Toy Story movie, Lightyear. I thought it was very good, and we were definitely entertained. Missed hearing Tom Hanks as Woody, but Chris Evans did a good job as Buzz. He sounds so much like Tim Allen, you forget it’s a different actor.


I’m still waiting for these movies to be available at RedBox so we can rent one. Maybe TopGun and Downtown Abbey for 4th of July.


Always nice to be able to rent something, however, some movies are best enjoyed in the biggest movie screen possible, and Top Gun Maverick is one of those. We watched in one of those amazing theatres where you almost felt you were on the carrier when they went into afterburner. Really worth seeing on the big screen.


Last time we saw Inception at an IMAX theatre, my husband didn’t like it, too loud. This way we can control the sound easier.

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Jurassic World: Dominion in the IMAX theatre was definitely too loud and not worth the premium price! Afterwards, my family agreed we should have gone to see Maverick again instead (my pick but I was outvoted).


We’re not going to IMAX theatres, but XD if we can. Saw both Top Gun and Jurassic Park in it. Agree that Jurassic Park wasn’t really necessary to see in that theatre. We always bring earplugs just in case the volume is too loud. We bring them everywhere.


I’m not sure I would call it a “good” movie, but The Incredible Weight of Massive Talent is pretty darn entertaining. I enjoy the meta humor, but I’m guessing it’s definitely not for everyone.

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@Bromfield2 - we also watched “Everything Everywhere all at Once” (at home -required a $20 purchase!).

It was really intriguing, unexpected, visually impactful, mind-bending and (agree w/you) hard to follow! Both my kids really enjoyed it. It stuck with me but I can say I understood it. Then again, I never studied quantum physics and can’t quite approach even a working knowledge of the multiverse concept, LOL.

Could definitely appreciate the family dynamic aspect!

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Enjoyed watching Fantastic Beasts: Secrets of Dumbledore. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it turned out to be an entertaining movie.

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Elvis was very good


Our Comcast plan includes Peacock, which now has the new Downton Abbey movie—nice!


Marry Me showed up on Amazon Prime so I watched it last night. Pretty obvious but fun enough, looked pretty, and was well cast with two charismatic actors playing to type. I especially liked the mathlete aspect as it took me back to son’s math team days.


H just activated Peacock for the next month since the Tour de France begins tomorrow. I am happy that I get to watch the Downton Abbey movie.


Thanks for the info. Marry Me is one of those movies that I said I wasn’t going to the theater to see but I might watch at home. Similarly I recently watched the new Father of the Bride with Gloria Estefan and Andy Garcia on HBO Max. Wouldn’t have been worth going out for, but cute enough for tv at home.