Seen any good movies lately?

We just watched a cute movie called “How to Please a Woman.” A bit of a slow start, then it gets really funny. It didn’t get great reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, but DH and I liked it. Made us laugh.

We watched Jerry and Marge last night and loved it. Such a great feel-good story. We need more of those.


Also watched a feel good movie last night–“The Duke.” Set in England in 1961, it stars Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren. It’s a fun story, which is based on actual events.


Thanks, @Bromfield2. We watched The Duke tonight and enjoyed it immensely.


Is that about Edward VIII and Wallis? Guessing, based on the 1961 date. If I may ask, where did you watch it, theater or streaming service? Thanks.

There are lots of streaming options if you search for it on your TV. We’re going to watch it tonight.

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Thanks @MaineLonghorn , wow was I off in my guess!!!

Just put a hold on it at my public library, no holds ahead of me, will watch it soon and share my two cents.

My kids finished the college experience years ago, but stuff like this is why I still read CC.


Maybe the critics are Falcons fans.

Two Thumbs Up at our house for Sharper. (Have not watched the trailer. We jumped right in, which is my suggestion.)


This week I watched on streaming:
Armageddon Time - not exactly what I thought it was going to be based on seeing advertisements months ago. It had its faults but I thought the main actors did a good job.

Nomadland which was stunning and well acted and sad and depressing and thought provoking. I liked it. I read the book several years ago and I think the movie was a good bit different but I’d have to go back and check.

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Rose Island a 2020 Netflix movie was great. Italian with subtitles. Better to watch it without knowing anything ahead of time. That’s how we did, so plenty of surprises.

We watched Enough Said tonight on Hulu, a 2013 movie with a fantastic cast. Don’t know how we missed this one, a compelling story so well acted by James Gandolfini and Julia-Louis Dreyfus with Catherine Keener and Toni Collette in supporting roles. Two thumbs up.


We saw Duke last night and enjoyed it very much. Thanks for the tip!

We just watched M3gan. It’s now on Peacock. We both loved it, especially the little girl. We both thought she was the actress in Black Phone so we looked her up. Nope not her. So weird. They are so similar. Look up black phone. Nope not her. Then we noticed they have the same last name. They are sisters. Ah ha! Mystery solved.


We watched The Fabelmans last night. I liked it but my husband thought it was slow.

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It’s on my list @MaineLonghorn, is it streaming somewhere?

You can rent it for $5.99 on Prime Video or Apple TV.


Just finished watching Fire of Love - a documentary about French volcanologists
Katia and Maurice Krafft. Highly recommend.


H and I watched the original (1930) All Quiet on the Western Front. Despite being 93 years old, its anti-war message is still quite relevant. We watched a restored sound version on Apple TV. I vaguely remember reading Erich Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front in high school–given that I graduated when dinosaurs roamed the earth, the fact that I remembered anything about the book is astonishing! After watching the film, I was curious about it and found this article:

Tonight, we’re going to watch the 2022 version of All Quiet on the Western Front, which has been nominated for an Academy Award for best picture.


We watched the 2022 film this weekend… gruesome but worthwhile watching. Learned something above… was thinking Hemmingway wrote the novel. (Per Dr Google, he just used it as an epigraph in The Sun Also Rises).

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Thanks for the posts on Hustle. I put it on my list of things to watch as I am a fan of Adam Sandler when he is serious. We finally watched it last night and both H and I really enjoyed it. H was not expecting much as he is not a big Sandler fan but he really enjoyed it. It had a nice blend of serious and comedic elements.