Seen any good movies lately?

Have you seen Uncut Gems? I thought he did great in it.


After I saw him carry the film Spanglish I knew Adam Sandler was underrated as a dramatic actor.


YES! I loved Uncut Gems, H hated it. That’s why I was surprised he agreed to watch Hustle and even more surprised that he liked it.


Thanks for mentioning Spanglish. I’m going to have to put together a list of Sandler’s more serious movies to remind me to watch them.


Uncut Gems was OK, pretty grim/violent as I recall. Liked Hustle much better. Will look into Spanglish.

Saw Ant-Man last night. Good movie. I liked it well enough.

But it was my first time at a Friday night movie since covid. I was nervous and didn’t want to go, but relented since I figured most would be seeing Creed - which I also want to see.

H buys our tickets early which wound up being a good thing, since the line was LONG when we got there. But inside the theater, it was just us! Figured more would come because of the line. Sure enough, 4 came and sat in the back section. We always sit in the last row of the front.

Previews start and in come two more guys and they sit RIGHT NEXT TO ME? what the blank? You choose your seats at the counter and they show which ones are taken. Who sits right next someone in an empty theater? You have to even share an arm rest! I know I looked upset and H huffed and got up and moved several seats down. I thought he was mad at me for being upset, but today he said he was irritated at them too. Seriously. One seat in between and I would have been ok.

Fortunately nobody came for those seats, otherwise we would have had to move again. Two more groups of 4 came and sat in the two rows in front of us.

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I saw “Return to Seoul”. The previews looked good but it wasn’t that great. More interesting for the main character’s performance.

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We enjoyed The Duke last week. Thanks to those upthread who recommended it.


Inspired by comments here, we watched Spanglish (Netflix, Adam Sandler - mostly serious). I liked. My husband did not enjoy it as much, but it was my turn to pick the movie/show.


Just watched The Duke–enjoyed it very much. Based on the trailers on the DVD, requested a library hold on The Phantom of The Open. Based on a true story, Mark Rylance plays a man who, despite having never played a round a golf, plays in the first round of the 1976 British Open. Looks like a light fun movie.


Mark Rylance is one of my favorite actors!
I’ll have to look for that movie.

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I watched Women Talking last night (Academy Award nominee for Best Picture). The film focuses on the conversations among women in a Mennonite community who are subject to vicious sexual abuse by men in the sect. After one horrific incident (rape of a four-year-old girl), the women meet to discuss how they should proceed–stay, fight the system, or go. The conversations are fascinationing and actors Roony Mara, Judith Ivey, and Clare Foy were all great. I just couldn’t get over what a dark and depressing life these women were leading and it disturbed me. I almost bagged the movie, but watched until the end.


Same! Saw him with David Hyde Pierce and Joanna Lumley on Broadway in La Bête - what a treat!


We watched The Phantom of The Open last night and LOVED it. Thanks @MADad. Please, CC, recommend more feel-good movies like this. We need them.


We watched A Man Called Otto again tonight with our youngest and his wife. They loved it too. It was very well done. I certainly didn’t mind watching it twice.


I watch (most of) Women Talking today (it is on Prime for free until Sunday).

I didn’t like it. Too dark.

What streaming service for A Man Called Otto, @Creekland? Meant to see it in theaters, but time got away from me.

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The kids didn’t see it available on a streaming service, so bought it on Google TV. H and I liked the movie enough that we didn’t mind supporting them with more $. I like it when movies are made that we enjoy and making it profitable is part of it, since we can afford $15.

In a couple more months or maybe sooner I imagine it will be out on the normal streaming services.


I think that “A Man Called Ove” (the original) is still on Prime.


Edited to say I must not have seen it pop up on Netflix as I thought because it’s not there - Just last night I saw that it’s available on Netflix -