Seen any good movies lately?

Thank you to everyone who recommended Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris. It was the perfect rainy night movie for H and I. We both loved it!


OK, here’s an off-the-wall rec that I can’t believe I got DH to watch with me - or that I watched.
“RRR” on Netflix - a 3-hour-plus epic Indian saga that puts Marvel to shame. Trust me, you’ll be vastly entertained if you can put aside your American expectations of what a movie should be. Something of a thriller, loosely historical but not really, with a bromance and some hugely entertaining CGI action scenes, great cinematography and an apparent cast of thousands, set in pre-independence times. (Also, you must hate the British.) Oh! And I forgot the dance-off!


The book the Right Stuff is very good. I found parts of the movie a little annoying, but most of the movie was great. The book was inspiring enough to me that after I finished reading during my freshman year in college, I went to my local ROTC unit, got a scholarship and became an Air Force pilot. All because of reading that one well worn book in the library.


We saw Everything, Everywhere, all at once last night in the movie theatre. Knew nothing about it except that it got so many Oscars, it had to be fantastic, right?

We thought it was terrible, over the top, hard to follow, ridiculous, though some good acting. My husband thinks it’s the worst movie he’s ever seen. Thinking that Hollywood is out of touch with reality, hard to believe it got all those Oscars.


Completely disagree. Our son saw it with his friends in the theatre when it was first released. Insisted we would love it so we got it on demand and watched it as a family. We all thought it was marvelous!


It’s on my top ten movies of all time list, top five even. Some people love films that I find to be mind-bogglingly terrible. No movie can please everyone.


That’s true, no movie can please everyone. I just expected that this movie would be amazing in every respect, too high expectations. I’m guessing there are likely a large number of people who would rate it 5 stars, and many people who would rate it as just one star. I think it had the potential to be a great movie for everyone, but they just went over the top and it was very confusing. I loved the premise of the story, the idea of acceptance of yourself and your loved ones and thought some of the actors were fantastic. It was just excessive for us. The dildos, butt plugs, S&M, hotdog fingers? Uh no, just weird and too much. Maybe we wouldn’t have noticed as much if we weren’t watching it in a movie theatre. Our heads were spinning.

I suspect that my youngest son who is an actor, will love it. I’m very curious about his perspective. My oldest son likely won’t even bother to see it.


I thought Everything Everywhere All At Once was fabulous. Loved it so much. I really want my kids to watch it with me. Way up on my movie list. It was exciting, funny, thought-provoking, and sweet.

However, I can’t remember the last Tom Hanks movie I liked. I thought he was terrible in Elvis and realized after seeing that, that I really just don’t like his acting very much. He seems like a really nice guy, but not my favorite actor.

If you didn’t like Tom Hanks playing Jim Lovell in Apollo 13, you won’t like him in anything.


We rented Elvis from the library and watched it last night. I thought Austin Butler was fantastic, Tom Hanks okay. Really liked Elvis.

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The Right Stuff might’ve been the last Tom Hanks movie I liked. It has been decades since I’ve seen that though, so not sure if I would still like it. I remember liking Big, too. Not sure which was more recent. I like a lot of things about him, like he collects old typewriters, and seems like a nice guy, but mostly the movies he makes are not the kind of movies I like. I prefer Hidden Figures to what I remember of The Right Stuff.

I thought Elvis was interesting to see, but Baz Luhrmann is so over the top, and takes so many liberties with the historical record that it created a distance for me and I couldn’t really get into it. I don’t know what Tom Hanks was doing with that weird accent. Very strange.

Everything Everywhere was definitely my top movie of 2022.

I also watched The Duke with Jim Broadbent on a plane and really enjoyed that. Fans of Mrs Harris might enjoy it, too.


I’m a huge fan of Tom Hanks, but I agree that his performance in Elvis was not the best.

Love Apollo 13. One of a few movies we bought on DVD… time to rewatch! :slight_smile:

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Col. Parker was from the Netherlands.

@busdriver11 have you watched the 2020 National Geographic TV series The Right Stuff? I highly recommend.


Tom Hanks was in Apollo 13, not the Right Stuff. Not sure if you just mistyped. I know people have different opinions about movies, but I can’t imagine anyone possibly not liking Apollo 13, all the more amazing because it was actually true. I thought Big was cute, but I wasn’t such a fan. Liked his many films over the years (Splash, Sleepless in Seattle, the Terminal, Castaway). I loved Hidden Figures, saw it four times. But if you haven’t seen Apollo 13 in decades, you should really see it again. And then tell us if you like Tom Hanks. :slight_smile: I don’t think I’d like him in Elvis, just from the previews

As an aside, I talked to a flight attendant who used to work on private flights for him and his wife. Tom Hanks, super nice guy, down to earth and kind. His wife, well, she had a five letter word to describe her. Interesting conversation. Same opinion of JLo. Kevin Costner a real sweetheart.


Hanks was great in Captain Philips. Liked him in Sully, too. Elvis is a miss for him, just like The Ladykillers.


Forrest Gump!


Yes! And the Green Mile, and Toy Story also, of course, forgot about that. Man, this guy has been in a lot of movies.


You can find an actual interview with “Col” Parker on YouTube and his accent sounds nothing like what Tom Hanks used.

Right I think he seems like a nice guy, but The Right Stuff and Apollo 13 are just not the kinds of movies I like now.

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