Seen any good movies lately?

I remember sitting in school listening to the intercom broadcasting the news of re-entry and everyone holding their breath for the splashdown. All was silent with heads on desks and fingers crossed. It was like time actually stopped. The elation with success of that mission stll resonates.

To know that the computer capacity in that day was 64K (your cheap calculator today) but took a room of electronics back then and that a slide rule was what got them home is mind boggling today.


That is one of the ONLY movies I can stand him in.


I still think one of Hanks best films is A Man Called Otto, but in general I like him as an actor.


I’m in your camp on this one, everything, everywhere, insert mind exploding emoji here :exploding_head:.but appreciated the meaning of the movie after reading this summary.

You might want to give yourself some space before reading this ……some perspective :stuck_out_tongue: because experiencing that movie was so intense,


I think that it’s better not to think of the movie as sci-fi or action hero genre. To me it’s an absurdist thought piece much more akin to surrealism. I just went along for the ride. Reading that summary, I feel like I need to rewatch the movie!


After reading the Looper article start to finish, I have zero interest in seeing that movie, none whatsoever. I think we’ll watch The Right Stuff tonight. I haven’t seen that one since it came out. My movie tastes appear to align more with @busdriver11’s.

(To be fair, as soon as any movie descends into sci-fi or any type of repeated violence, I turn it off or leave.)


@Bromfield2 Thank you for the Faraway recommendation. H and I watched it last night and really enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the story.


That certainly does explain it more. I think part of what bothered me was that there was so much going on (seemingly random and nonsensical), that I found myself not caring nor connecting with the main characters, who were very sympathetic. I think much of the fault of this lies with the editor. You don’t want to have so much going on that people aren’t invested. But then again, many people loved it, so? I think many more cuts on the editor’s desk would have made a huge difference.


We watched Tar this last weekend. H liked it. I thought it was well done, but I don’t feel the need to watch it again and again.

We also watched All Quiet on the Western Front (H had already seen it once, so it was a rewatch for him). I thought it was good and I can see why it’s won the awards it’s been nominated before. It was also nice to see a WWI movie, there are so many WWII movies out there.


Swing with the wing!

Real men land on aircraft carriers. :sunglasses:

Well then I guess it’s a good thing I’m not a man.:grin:Always thought it seemed dicey to land on something that appears to be the size of a postage stamp in the water, that is moving (as described to me).


Not a man, but did my share of flying in the stone age. I have been a passenger in a plane that caught the 4 wire on an aircraft carrier (not actually a good grade, if you know that stuff).

For a control freak like me, in heavy rain and stormy seas, it was terrifying. Yes, dicey!

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So I can’t say it’s objectively a good movie, but we watched Cocaine Bear last night and had some good laughs. Obviously it is not for everyone (or maybe even most), but we had a fun time.


I think for anyone it would be terrifying, especially since you knew what was going on! I’ve landed on my share of short runways in bad weather, but can’t imagine landing on a carrier in bad weather. :flushed:

Thanks for the article link @jerseysouthmomchess . I really like Everything, but the article helped make it all clearer.

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My concern is that all the best parts were in the (hysterical) trailer. If there are more laughs I’ll give it a go - are there?

This was a great detailed explanation of Everything Everywhere! I don’t imagine it was written after one viewing :wink:. I watched the movie a few months ago and was almost overwhelmed. I had no idea what to think about it except wondering how anyone could conceive, let alone create, such a work.

I’m not unfamiliar with multiverses, but this was something else entirely. Our son took us to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse a few years back and I loved it for the art work and creativity.

Parts of this movie amused me; part personally offended me as not my style of humor. The acting was so good that I totally accepted everyone In each of their iterations. The editing was phenomenal; I had read one sequence was filmed over a year.

I would not consider this sci fi or superhero, but something unique.

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It’s a tight 95 mins and there are laughs not in the trailer. I bought it digitally because we live off the wall stuff like that, but I would say it would definitely be worth a cheap rent if you like this kind of thing.

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You have not lived until you have been in a CH46 that had a hydraulic failure over the Atlantic at 0200. It really gets your attention when you hear the pilot say, “Oh sh%t! Where is the nearest LZ?”.

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Oy, indeed. I loathe helicopters, as I figure if the engine quits on a plane, at least I can glide the thing down someplace thanks to, you know, WINGS.