Seen any good movies lately?

The autorotation only gets you so far.

Ok, I think we have worn out this tangent. The moderators will want us back on subject.

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Or if a plane runs out of fuel. Gimli Glider? Or if engines get destroyed by bird strikes…

At least the latter gets us to movies… Sully. :slight_smile:

When my kid took the test for Officer Candidate School for the Navy he took the aviation aptitude test as well, not because he wanted to land on a postage stamp, but because he thought the test would be fun. He apparently did extremely well and they kept asking him are you sure you don’t want to be a pilot? He said he’s not crazy! That said, he’s had to be a passenger on planes landing or taking off a few times.

And to bring it back to movies, my kids loved movies like The Right Stuff, where things go horribly wrong, but you know there’s a happy ending.


Saw 3 movies already this weekend.

John Wick chapter 4. John Wick is H’s favorite character of all time. I knew he’d want to see it ASAP, but for some reason I’m still skittish over crowded theaters. So I told him I’d go Friday if we went to the 3:45 show. I took off work and it was nice. Maybe 25 people there.

If you like John Wick, you’ll enjoy it. I liked the first 2 ok and hated the 3rd. I liked this one. I enjoyed the “nobody” character. Won’t reveal too much more.

Yesterday afternoon we watched the documentary about The Bee Gees. I didn’t know much about them. I didn’t even know they were brothers, lol. So I enjoyed it. But it made me so sad. The last remaining brother made it and there was just so much obvious love between them all, it just made me sad thinking of him being the last one for so long.

Last night we watched A Man Called Otto. Oh my. If I didn’t cry enough during The Bee Gees, I certainly did last night. I enjoyed it a ton, but I just cried all throughout. My eyes are all kinds of swollen today


One thing Otto did for me! I have a bad habit of calling people idiots. Otto did that frequently in the movie, and it was not a good look. So I will try to avoid doing it in the future!


My husband wants to see John Wick #4, I think I might be open to that. But the only John Wick I’ve seen was #3, and after 45 min of just killing people in different ways and almost no dialogue, I walked out. Sounds like this is much better.

Exactly!!! That’s what I hated about #3! No dialogue and extended fights scenes for 30-45 min!! I don’t care for long extended scenes in any movie. This definitely has them. It’s almost 3 hours long, but they are interspersed throughout.

I also liked a lot of it was in Paris and Berlin and I’ve been there. That’s always fun for me.

And there is a very cool dog throughout.

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YAY, finally got to see Green Book, which my husband and I have both wanted to see for a few years. It was excellent and actually funnier than we expected. Thanks to the pals here, I learned about the “Free this week” feature and found it via our Comcast account.


We watched both Hunt for the Wilderpeople and Faraway over the weekend and enjoyed both movies.


My husband and I saw Creed III and John Wick 4 this weekend, and as fans of both series we thoroughly enjoyed them both. Michael B Jordan crafted some great fight sequences, and I look forward to more from him as a director. There were a few action sequences in John Wick that blew me away. Glad we saw them both in the theater.


H and I saw “Moving On” with Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda yesterday. It’s got some funny lines, but it’s got some serious subject matter (don’t want to give anything away). The WaPO reporter who reviewed it disliked it, but he was watching from a male point of view. As a woman, I think a lot of it resonated with me. Both H and I enjoyed it , but I enjoyed it more.


We watched Mrs Harris goes to Paris on Sunday. It will not earn any Oscars, but it was a very enjoyable Sunday night movie. Very sweet.


We watched Downhill starring Will Ferrell and Julia Louise Dreyfus. We just wanted to grab a movie to watch with my MIL that wasn’t too long. First, I can’t believe Julia is 62. - she looks fantastic, but not in a fake Hollywood way.
The movie was ok, but I just loved discussing the plot afterwards. In a potential life or death situation what would you do? Self preservation, make sure the family is ok….grab your phone?!
A lot of awkward bits, but enjoyable.

All three. Grabbed kids, stuck together and made sure had phones during a tornado. No brainer for me.

A good Will Ferrell film is " Eurovision: The Story of Fire Saga". The title was so weird I almost didn’t watch but it’s about a european singing competition and is heartfelt on so many levels with a lot of humor.


I love Eurovision! Husavik (My Hometown) got robbed at the Oscars for Best Song. Such a great song.


Thanks! I’ll watch it - I love Will Ferrell.

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Just watched Tetris on Apple+. I didn’t expect to like it much but it was really, really good! I didn’t know the backstory of all the intrigue surrounding the rights to the game nor did I realize while watching it that the villain Robert Maxwell was Ghislaine’s father. :flushed:

Rotten Tomatoes audience score - 94%


I really want to see this. Looking for someone to go with in person.

Watched Mrs Harris goes to Paris this weekend - what a cute movie. Told H we were going to watch, turn it on and immediately, he says - Oh, I’ve seen this one! Argh. But he watched it with me anyway…


We watched two more movies this weekend. H convinced me again to go to an afternoon matinee at the theater - Dungeons and Dragons. Only 2 other people in the theater until the last preview when a group of 15+ came in and sat in the 2 rows in front of us. Fine by me, except the one to my front/right started with a persistent dry cough 10 min into the movie. Gak. I wasn’t as concerned about getting infected as much as it was hard to concentrate! I lasted about 30 min and then heard H start to snore. Poked him and asked if he minded if we moved to the completely empty back section. He happily moved and the movie got much better after that.

Re: the movie. I had no idea what to expect, and it wasn’t what I was expecting. I wasn’t expecting it to be so silly. I don’t care for constant joking, which is why I struggle with Guardians of the Galaxy at times - especially the first one. This felt similar to that. The scenery was gorgeous though, and the silliness tapered off as the movie went on, thus by the end I thought it was OK.

Saturday night we rented Plane. It’s a simple story without much character development, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. And I like Luke Cage (Mike Colter), so it was fun to see him again.